A.B.C. of Devotion, An

Crosse of Jesu Christ be ever oure spede,
And kepe us from peril of sinnes and paine.
Blessed be that Lorde that on the Crosse dide blede,
Christ, God and man that for us was slaine:
Dede he was, and rose up againe.
Ever helpe us, Crosse, with him to arise
Fro deeth to life, and sinne to despise.

Gracious Crosse, now graunt us that grace
Him for to worship with all oure minde
In wordes, in werkes and in every place,
Kneling and kissing thee where we thee finde.
Late us be never to him unkinde,
Mercifully that made us to be men,
No more to kepe but his heestis ten.

O blissful Crosse, teche us all vertu
Plesing to God for oure salvacion,
Quenching alle vices in the name of Jesu,
Raunson paying for oure dampnacion.
Sende us such grace of conversacion
That we may stighe and glorified be,
Where Christ is King that died on Tree.

Christ that died on the holy Roode,
I pray thee, good Lorde, with all my might,
Sende us sume part of all thy goode
And kepe us from evil ever day and night,
Continuing thy mercy, saving all right.
Titulle of thy passion point us save,
As to thy Crosse reverence we may have.
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