Abie's White Mule

Go hand me my banjer, I'll sing you a song,
Corn liquor can drag a man down;
It's jest the plain truth and it ain't very long,
Strong liquor can sure get you down.

There was an old man and he lived on the hill,
Hard cider can pull a man down;
He made his own liquor, he had his own still;
Hard cider can sure get you down.

The man's name was Abe and he had a white mule;
Peach brandy can pull a man down;
The mule's name was Hanner, she wasn't no fool;
Peach brandy can sure get you down.

A pesky old marshal was roamin' around,
Corn liquor can pull a man down.
He clum up the hill and Abe's still he found;
Corn liquor can sure get you down.

But foxy old Abe he kept out of sight;
Hard cider can pull a man down.
He knowed when to run and he knowed when to fight,
Hard cider can sure get you down.

He sent old white Hanner down off of the hill,
Peach brandy can get a man down.
The pesky old marshal was totin' the still;
Peach brandy can sure get you down.

He took hickory bark and he bound it so tight;
Hard cider can pull a man down.
Then whacked old white Hanner with all of his might,
Hard cider can sure get you down.

And trusty old Hanner, so Abe does tell;
Peach brandy can pull a man down.
She kicked that old marshal right straight to hell!
Peach brandy can sure get you down.

She turned straight around and fetched home the still;
Corn liquor can drag a man down.
And brayed to old Abe up there on the hill,
Strong liquor will sure fetch you down.
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