On the Accomplished and Admired James H. Esq. M.P. &c. &c.

Accomplish'd wit, and graceful ease,
That made ev'n Satire's lightning please —
Of all that Fashion's wreath could boast
In this bright spirit shone the most —
With an exterior worse than plain ,
Of no descent or titles vain,
He carry'd birth and rank before him;
He made the lovely sex adore him: —
With laughter at the serious world
His playful bolts at random hurl'd,
But, mirth and whim their own defence,
The reins were held by taste and sense:
For no severe discretion fam'd,
But still the charter was unblam'd:
He died — and for his parting hour
The Fates reserv'd their brightest flower:
Invok'd, the heaven-born spirit came,
And Friendship was on earth his name,
Adopted Love his offspring blest,
The Parent smil'd, and sunk to rest.
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