Achilles. An Opera - Act 3


Scene I.

Theaspe, Periphas, Artemona.

Theas. Periphas , I have a Favour to ask of you, and positively I will not be refus'd.
Per. Your Majesty may command.
Theas. Nay, Nephew, 'tis for your own good.
Per. To obey your Commands, Madam, must be so.
Theas. I am not, Periphas , talking to you as a Queen, but as a Relation, a Friend. — I must have no Difficulties; therefore I insist upon your absolute Promise.
Per. I am not in my own Power, Madam. — Lycomedes , you know hath acceded to the Treaty of Alliance; that to furnish his Quota, his Troops are already embark'd, and that I have engag'd my self in his Service.
Theas. Why will you raise Obstacles before you know the Conditions? 'Tis a thing I have set my heart upon, and I tell you 'tis what in Honour you can comply with.
Per. My Duty, my Obligations, put me entirely in your Disposal.
Theas. You promise then solemnly, faithfully —
Per. I do.
Theas. I have remark'd, Periphas , that you are prodigiously fond of the princess Calista 's Daughter.
Per. I fond of her, Madam!
Theas. Nay, Periphas , are not you eternally at her Ear?
Art. How I have seen that formidable Hero General Ajax suffer upon your Account! — Of all his Rivals you are his eternal Torment. — He reddens, sighs, and (as much as is consistent with such a blustering Soldier's Valour) languishes whenever you are near her.
Theas. You may safely own your Passion, Periphas , for I know you think her agreeable.
Art. Besides her being the fashionable Beauty of the Court (which is sufficient Vanity to make all the young Fellows follow her) you, of all Mankind, in Gratitude ought to like her. — I know all of 'em envy the particular Distinctions she shews you.
Theas. I am convinc'd of her Merits; and your marrying her I know wou'd make you both happy.
Per. Let me perish, Madam, if I ever once thought of it!
Theas. Your Happiness you see hath been in my Thoughts. — I take the settling of this Affair upon my self.
Per. How cou'd you, Madam, imagine I had any Views of this kind! — What, be a Woman's Follower with Intention to marry her! Why, the very Women themselves wou'd laugh at a Man who had so vulgar a Nation of Galantry, and knew so little of their Inclinations. — The Man never means it, and the Woman never expects it; and for the most part they have every other View but Marriage.
Theas. But I am serious, Nephew, and insist upon your Promise.

AIR XXXVIII. No sooner had Jonathan leap'd from the Boat.

What are the Jests that on Marriage you quote?
All ignorant Batchelors censure by Rote;
Like Criticks you view it with Envy or Spleen.
You pry out its Faults, but the Good is o'erseen.
Per. 'Tis not in my Power, Madam; 'tis not in my Inclinations. — A Soldier can have but one Inducement to marry, (and the Woman may have the same Reason too) which is, the Opportunities of Absence.
Theas. You know, Nephew, you have promis'd.
Per. But suppose I am already engag'd.
Theas. That will be another Merit to her.
Per. 'Tis impossible, Madam. — In a Day or two you know I am to set out for the Campaign.
Theas. A Lady of her romantic Spirit can have no Objections to following the Camp.

AIR XXXIX. Love 's a Dream of mighty Pleasure.

Soldier, think before you marry;
If your Wife the Camp attends,
You but a Convenience carry,
For (perhaps) a hundred Friends.
If at home she 's left in Sorrow,
Absence is convenient too;
Neighbours now and then may borrow
What is of no Use to you.
Theas. I indeed fear'd Pyrrha might have started some Difficulties, but if you rightly consider the Proposal you can have none.
Per. What is the Cause of the War we are now engaged in? Does not the Fate of Menelaus stare me in the Face?
Theas. I will have no more of your trifling Objections, Periphas ; and as to your Part, from this time I will look upon the Affair as happily concluded. — All that now remains to be done is with Pyrrha . I have left her to Deidamia 's Management; and without doubt her good Offices must prevail, for you can never have a better Advocate. — But shou'd the girl be perverse and obstinate! — 'Tis impossible. For however her Heart is already engag'd, no Woman alive can resist the Ambition of such an Alliance.

Scene II.


Per. Had I so little Taste of Liberty as to be inclin'd to marry; that Girl is of so termagant a Spirit! — The bravest Man must have the dread of an eternal Domestic War. — In a Tongue-combat Woman is invincible, and the Husband must come off with Shame and Infamy: for though he lives in perpetual Noise and Tumult, the poor Man is only ridiculous to his Neighbours. — How can we ever get rid of her? — Hercules conquered the seven-headed Hydra , but his Wife was a venom'd Shirt that stuck to him to the last.

Scene III.

Periphas, Ajax.

Ajax. This Renconter, Periphas , is as I wish'd. — — The Liberties you have taken — — you know what I mean — when my Honour is concern'd — an Indignity and all that! — 'Tis not to be put up; and I must insist upon an Explanation. — There is a particular Affair, my Lord. — —
Per. Your accosting me in this particular manner, Lord Ajax , requires Explanation. — For let me die, if I comprehend you!
Ajax. Death, my Lord, I explain! I am not come here to be ask'd Questions. — 'Tis sufficient that I know the Affront, and that you know I will have Satisfaction. — — So, now you are answer'd — —
Per. I can't say much to my Satisfaction, my Lord; for I can't so much as guess at your meaning.
Ajax. A Man of Honour, Periphas , is not to be trifled withal.
Per. But a Man of Honour, Ajax , is not oblig'd in Courage to be unintelligible.
Ajax. I hate talking. — — The Tongue is a Woman's Weapon. Whenever I am affronted; by the Gods, this Sword is my only Answer.
Per. 'Tis not, Ajax , that I decline the Dispute, or wou'd upon any Account deny you the Pleasure of fighting; yet (if it is not too much Condescension in a Man of Honour) before I fight I wou'd willingly know the Provocation.

AIR XL. Maggy Lawther . Ajax.

What is all this idle Chat?
Words are out of Season.
Whether 'tis or this or that,
The Sword shall do me reason.
Honour call'd me to the Task;
No matter for explaining:
'Tis a fresh Affront to ask
A Man of Honour's meaning.
Ajax. Be it as it will, Periphas ; we have gone too far already to retract. — You know, I suppose, of my Pretensions to a certain Lady. — Now are you satisfied?
Per. If you had her, my Lord, it had been much more to my Satisfaction. — I admire your Courage.

AIR XLI. Lord Frog and Lady Mouse .

Oh, then it seems you want a Wife!
Shou'd I consent,
You may repent,
And all her daily Jars and Strife
You may on me resent.
Thus ev'ry Day and ev'ry Night,
If things at home shou'd not go right,
We three must live in constant Fight.
Take her at all Event.
Ajax. Hell, and Furies! I am not to be rally'd out of my Resentment.
Per. Now in my Opinion 'tis flinging away your Courage to fight without a Cause; though indeed the Men of uncommon Prowess, by their loving to make the most of every Quarrel, seem to think the contrary.
Ajax. You are not so sure of the Lady, Periphas , as you flatter yourself; for whenever I am a Rival, by Jove , 'tis not her Consent, but my Sword, that must decide the Question.
Per. Sure never a Rival (as you will call me) had a better Reason for fighting than I have at present; for if I am kill'd, I shall be out of danger of having the Woman.
Ajax. You might spare your Jokes, Periphas , for my Courage wants no Provocation. — If I fall, Pyrrha may be yours: You will then deserve her. — 'Till then —
Per. So he that conquers, as a Reward, I find is to be married. — Now dear Ajax , is that worth fighting for?
Ajax. Your Passion for that Lady, Periphas , is too publick to bear Dispute. — Have not I seen you whisper her, laugh with her? And by some particular Looks at the same time 'twas too evident that I was the Subject of your Mirth.
Per. Looks, Ajax!
Ajax. Yes Looks, my Lord; and I never did or will take an impertinent one from any Man.
Per. Impertinent one!
Ajax. Furies! This calm Mockery is not to be born. — I won't have my Words repeated.
Per. Such Language, Ajax , may provoke me.

AIR XLII. Richmond Ball. Per.

What means all this Ranting? Ajax.
Cease your joking;
'Tis provoking. Per.
I to my Honour will n'er be wanting. Ajax.
Will you do me right? Per.
What means all this Ranting? Ajax.
Cease your joking:
'Tis provoking. Per.
I to my Honour will ne'er be wanting. Ajax.
Talk not then, but fight.
Give then by Action
Satisfaction. Per.
I'm not in awe, Sir. Ajax.
Death! will you draw, Sir?
Is a Battle
You may safer try. Per.
Yet, first, I'd fain know why.
Ajax. By Jupiter, Periphas , 'till now I never thought you a Coward.
Per. Nay then — since my own Honour calls upon me. — Take notice, Ajax , that I don't fight for the Woman.

Scene IV.

Periphas, Ajax, Theaspe, Artemona, Guards.

1 Guard. Part 'em. — Beat down their swords.
2 Guard. How dar'd you presume to fight in the Royal Gardens?
1 Guard. Nay, in the very Presence! — For see, the Queen.
Ajax. 'Tis very hard, Sirs, that a Man shou'd be deny'd the Satisfaction of a Gentleman.
Theas. Lord Ajax , for this unparallel'd Presumption we forbid you the Palace.
Ajax. I shall take some other Opportunity, my Lord.

Scene V.

Theaspe, Artemona, Periphas.

Theas. And as for you, Periphas —
Per. Your Majesty's Rigor can do no less than forbid me the Woman.
Theas. The Woman, Periphas , is the only thing that can reconcile me to your Behaviour.
Per. That blundering Hero Ajax will have it that I am his Rival. The Man will be almost as miserable without her, as 'tis probable he might be with her. — Oblige us both then. Madam, and let the General be miserable in his own way.
Theas. I cou'd not have imagin'd that obstinate Girl cou'd have had any Scruples to the Match; but Deidamia tells me she finds her as difficult as you.
Per. Since you know, Madam, that Pyrrha will have her own way; for both our sakes, and to save yourself unnecessary Trouble, your Majesty had better give up this Impossibility.

Scene VI.

Theaspe, Artemona, Periphas, Diphilus, Guards.

Diph. To prevent future Mischief my Lord, his Majesty puts you under Arrest, and commands you to attend him. General Ajax is already in Custody. — 'Tis his Pleasure too, that (after you have paid your Duty to him) you embark with the Troops immediately; and you are not to come ashore again upon pain of his Majesty's Displeasure.


In War we've nought but Death to fear.
How gracious is the Sentence!
For that is easier far to bear,
Than Marriage with Repentance.
Begirt with Foes, by Numbers brav'd,
I'd bless the happy Crisis;
The Man from greater Danger sav'd
The lesser ones despises.
Per. Your Majesty then, you find, must dispense with my Promise 'till after the Expedition. — If the General shou'd be so happy, to bring Pyrrha with him to the Camp, perhaps we may like one another better.
Diph. The King, Madam, wants to talk to your Majesty upon Affairs of Consequence. — You will find him in the Royal Apartment.
Theas. My Daughter with Pyrrha have just turn'd the Walk, and are coming this way. — You may stay with 'em. Artemona , till I send for you.

Scene VII.

Artemona, Philoe, Lesbia.

Phil. 'Tis horridly mortifying that these Trades-People will never get any thing New against a Birth-day. They are all so abominably stupid, that a Woman of Fancy cannot possibly have the Opportunity of shewing her Genius.
Lesb. The Fatigue one hath of talking to those Creatures for at least a Month before a Birth-day is insupportable; for you know, Sister, when the time draws so very near, a Woman can think of nothing else.
Phil. After all, Sister, though their things are detestable, one must make choice of something or other. I have sent to the Fellows to be with me this Morning.
Lesb. You are so eternally sending for 'em, one wou'd imagine you was delighted with their Conversation. For those hideous Stuffs they will shew us from Year to Year are frightful, are shocking. How can a Woman have so ill a Taste as to expose herself in a last Year's Pattern!
Phil. Dear Madam, I beg your Pardon. Let me die, if I saw you!
Lesb. Our meeting her was lucky beyond Expression, for I never felt so uneasy a thing as a Secret.
Phil. You know, Sister, we had agreed to trust her with our Suspicions.
Lesb. Yet after all when a Sister's Reputation is concern'd.
Phil. But is not the Honour of a Family of greater Consequence?
Lesb. Tho she is a Woman and a Favourite, I dare say, if Artemona promises, whatever she suffers she will inviolably keep it to herself.
Art. If I had not this Quality I had little deserv'd Theaspe 's Friendship. — By all that 's Sacred, Ladies, you may safely trust me.
Phil. 'Tis impossible, Sister, but she herself must have observ'd it.
Lesb. Whatever People have observ'd. 'tis a thing you know, that no Creature alive can presume to talk upon.
Phil. Deal fairly and openly with us, Artemona . — Have you remark'd nothing particular of Deidamia yonder of late?
Art. Of Deidamia!
Lesb. Only look upon her, Madam.
Phil. Well — what do you think of her?
Lesb. Are you blind. Artemona , or dare not you believe your Eyes.
Art. Her particular Intimacy with Pyrrha do you mean?
Phil. Dear Madam! — Then I find we must speak first.
Lesb. Now, dear Artemona , can any Woman alive imagine that Shape of hers within the compass of common Modesty?
Art. But how can one possibly have those Suspicions?
Phil. She is a Woman, Madam; she hath Inclinations and may have had her Opportunities that we know nothing of.

AIR XLIV. Minuet of Corelli in the Ninth Concerto . Phil.

We may resolve to resist Temptation;
And that 's all we can do:
For in the Hour of Inclination
What cou'd — I or you?
Lesb. Though the thing is improbable, 'tis so monstrously evident that it cannot bear a Dispute.
Phil. Then her Bosom too is so preposterously impudent! — One wou'd think a Woman in her Condition was not conscious of her own Shame.
Lesb. Or imagin'd other People cou'd overlook it as well as herself.
Phil. Then she is so squeamish and so frequently out of order. —
Lesb. That she hath all the outward Marks of Female Frailty must be visible to all Womankind.
Phil. But how she came by 'em, there, Artemona , is still the Secret.
Lesb. I must own that, by her particular Intimacies with that forward Creature Pyrrha , I suspect her to be her Confident in this Accident.
Art. I beg you, Ladies, to turn this Discourse; for Deidamia and Pyrrha are just coming upon us to join the Conversation.

Scene VIII.

Philoe, Lesbia, Artemona, Deidamia, Achilles.

Lesb. Now I dare swear that careless Creature Pyrrha hath not once thought of her Clothes.
Art. Nay, dear Lady Pyrrha , the thing is not such a trifle, for 'tis the only Mark of Respect that most People are capable of shewing. And though that is not your Case, I know your Gratitude can never omit this publick Occasion.

AIR XLV. Tom and Will were Shepherds twain. Art.

Think of Dress in ev'ry Light;
'Tis Woman's chiefest Duty;
Neglecting that, our selves we slight
And undervalue Beauty.
That allures the Lover's Eye,
And graces ev'ry Action;
Besides, when not a Creature's by,
'Tis inward Satisfaction.
Ach. As I am yet a Stranger, Ladies, to the Fashions of the Country, 'tis your Fancy that must determine me.
Phil. How can a Woman of common Sense be so unsolicitous about her Dress!
Lesb. And trust a Woman to choose for her! 'Tis a Temptation to be spiteful that very few of us can resist; for we have not many Pleasures that can equal that of seeing another Woman ridiculous.
Phil. But you have not, Pyrrha , misplac'd your Confidence.

Scene IX.

Philoe, Lesbia, Deidamia, Achilles, Artemona, Servant.

Serv. Your Embroiderer, Madam.
Phil. That Woman is everlastingly pestering me for Employment. Now can she imagine that to promote her tawdry Trade I can be talk'd into making myself ridiculous by appearing eternally in her odious Embroidery? — I can't see her now. — But perhaps I may want her for some trivial thing or other. — Let her call again to morrow.
Serv. The Anti-chamber, Madam is crowded with Trades-People.
Phil. Did not I tell you that I wou'd not be troubled with those impertinent Creatures? — But hold — I had forgot I sent for 'em — Let 'em wait.
Lesb. But if those foreign Merchants who lately came into Port are among 'em —
Phil. There, Sister, is all my Hope. I shall be horridly disappointed if they don't shew us something charming.
Lesb. Shou'd any Woman alive get Sight of their things before us —
Phil. I cou'd not bear it. — To appear in what another Woman had refus'd wou'd make the Creature so intolerably vain!
Lesb. Are those Merchants I ask you among 'em?
Serv. They have been waiting, Madam, above this half Hour.
Lesb. And did not you know our Impatience? — How cou'd you be so stupid! — Let us see them this Instant.

Scene X.

Artemona, Philoe, Lesbia, Deidamia, Achilles.

Ulysses, Diomedes, Agyrtes. [ Disguis'd as Merchants .]

Art. Unless you have any thing that is absolutely new and very uncommon, you will give us and your selves, Gentlemen, but unnecessary Trouble.
Ulys. Our Experience, Madam, must have profited very little by the Honour of dealing with Ladies, if we cou'd imagine they cou'd possibly be pleas'd twice with the same thing.
Diom. You might as well offer 'em the same Lover.
Ulys. We have learnt the good Manners, Madam, to distinguish our Customers. — To produce any thing that had ever been seen before wou'd be a downright Insult upon the Genius of a Lady of Quality.
Diom. Novelty is the very Spirit of Dress.
Lesb. Let me die, if the Fellows don't talk charmingly!
Phil. Sensibly, Sister.
Lesb. 'Tis evident they must have had Dealings with Ladies of Condition.
Diom. We only wait your Commands.
Ulys. We have things of all kinds, Ladies.
Phil. Of all kinds! — Now that is just what I wanted to see.
Lesb. Are not these, Sister, most delightful Creatures?
Ulys. We know a Lady can never fix unless we first cloy her Curiosity.
Diom. And if Variety can please, we have every thing that Fancy can wish.

AIR XLVI. The Bob-tail Lass.

In Dress and Love by like Desires
Is Woman's Heart perplext:
The Man and the Gown she one Day admires,
She wishes to change the next.
The more you are fickle, we're more employ'd,
And Love hath more Customers too;
For Men are as fickle, and soon are cloy'd,
Unless they have something New.
Lesb. But, dear Man, consider our Impatience.
Ulys. Wou'd you command the things, Ladies, to be brought here, or wou'd you see 'em in your own Apartment?
Phil. How intolerably these Fellows love talking!
Lesb. How canst thou, Man, ask such a Question!
Phil. Here — — immediately.
Ulys. Nay, tis not, Madam, that our Goods can be put out of Countenance by the most glaring Light — as for that matter —
Lesb. Nay, pry'thee, Fellow, have done.
Ulys. I wou'd not offer you these Pearls, Ladies, if the World cou'd produce such another Pair.
Phil. A Pair, Fellow — Dost thou think that Jewels pair like Men and Women because they were never made to agree?
Diom. Now, Ladies, here is all that Art can shew you. — Open the Packet.
Lesb. This very individual Pattern, in a blue Pink, had been infinitely charming.
Phil. Don't you think it pretty, Deidamia?
Lesb. For Heaven's sake, Lady Pyrrha . — Nay, dear Child, how can any Creature have so little Curiosity!
Ulys. Look upon it again, Madam. — Never was so delightful a Mixture!
Diom. So soft! so mellow!
Ulys. So advantageous for the Complexion!
Lesb. I can't bear it, Man; the Colour is frightful.
Phil. I hate our own tame home-bred Fancy. — I own I like the Design — but take it away, Man.
Art. There must be something pretty in every thing that is foreign.
Deid. I am sure, Madam, this must convince you to the contrary. — Never was any thing so detestable!
Lesb. For Heavens sake, Sir, open that other Packet; and take away this hideous Trumpery.
Ulys. How coud'st thou make this Mistake? — Never was such an eternal Blunderer.
Phil. How ridiculous is this Accident!
Diom. Pardon the Mistake, Ladies.
Lesb. A Suit of Armour! — You see, Philoe , they can at least equip us for the Camp.
Phil. Nay, Lesbia , for that Matter it might serve many a stiff awkward Creature that we see every Day in the Drawing-room; for their Dress is every way as absurd and preposterous.
Ulys. If your Expectations, Ladies, are not now answer'd, let Fancy own herself at a stand. 'Tis immitable! 'Tis irresistible!
Ach. The Workmanship is curious; and so justly mounted! This very Sword seems fitted to my Hand. — The Shield too is so little cumbersome; so very easy! — Was Hector here, the Fate of Troy shou'd this Instant be decided. — How my Heart burns to meet him!
Ulys. [ Aside to Diom.] That intrepid Air! That Godlike Look! It must he He! His Nature, his Disposition shews him through the Disguise. [ To Achilles.] Son of Thetis , I know thee, Greece demands thee, and now, Achilles . the House of Priam shakes.
Ach. But what are you, Friend, who thus presume to know me?
Ulys. You cannot be a Stranger, Sir, to the Name of Ulysses .
Ach. As I have long honour'd, I shall now endeavour, Sir, to emulate your Fame.
Ulys. Know, Sir, Diomedes ; He too is ambitious to attend you, and partake your Glory.
Diom. Come, Agyrtes ; with him we carry Conquest to the Confederates.

AIR XLVII. My Dame hath a lame tame Crane. Ulys.

Thy Fate then, O Troy, is decreed . Diom.
How I pant! Ach.
How I burn for the Fight. Diom.
Hark, Glory calls. Ach.
Now great Hector shall bleed . Agyr.
Fame shall our Deeds requite.

AIR XLVIII. Geminiani 's Minuet. Ach.

Beauty weeps. — Ah, why that Languish?
See she calls and bids me stay.
How can I leave her? my Heart feels her Anguish.
Hence, Fame and Glory. Love wins the Day.

AIR My Dame hath a lame, &c . as before, Sung in Four Parts as a Catch. Ulys.

Thy Fate then, O Troy, is decreed . Ach.
How I pant! How I burn for the Fight! Diom.
Hark, Glory calls. Now great Hector shall bleed . Agyr.
Fame shall our Deeds requite.
Art. For Heaven's sake, Ladies, support Deidamia .
Phil. Never was any thing so astonishing!
Lesb. Run then, Artemona , and acquaint the King and Queen with what hath happen'd.

Scene XI.

Philoe, Lesbia, Deidamia, Achilles, Diomedes, Ulysses, Agyrtes.

Phil. Ah Sister, Sister, the Mystery then of that particular intimacy between you and Pyrrha is at last unravell'd.
Les. Now if it had not been a Man of this prodigious Consequence, it had been the same thing. — — Sure never unguarded Woman was so unaccountably lucky!
Deid. Can you leave me. Achilles ? — Can you?
Ulys. Consider your own Glory, Sir.

AIR XLIX. Gavotte of Corelli . Ach.

Why this Pain?
Love adieu,
Break thy Chain,
Fame pursue.
Ah, false Heart,
Can'st thou part?
Oaths and Vows have bound me.
Fame cries, Go;
Love says, No.
Why d'ye thus confound me?
Deid. Think of my Condition. — Save my Honour.
Ulys. Think of the Honour of Greece .
Deid. Think of your solemn Oaths and Promises.
Ulys. Nations depend upon you. — Victory, Sir, calls you hence.
Deid. Can you, Achilles , be perfidious?
Ulys. Can you lose your Glory in the Arms of a Woman?
Deid. Can you sacrifice the Fame of your faithful Deidamia?

AIR L. The Scheme. Ach.

O, what a Conflict's in my Breast! Ulys.
What, still in suspence? bid Fame adieu. Deid.
See me with Shame opprest:
I curse, yet I love thee too. Ulys.
Let not her Sighs unman your Heart. Deid.
Can you then go, and Faith resign? Ach.
Shou'd I! — — How can I part? Deid.
Your Honour is link'd with mine.

Scene . The Last .

Philoe, Lesbia, Deidamia, Achilles, Ulysses, Artemona, Diomedes, Agyrtes, Lycomedes, Theaspe, Diphilus, Periphas, Ajax.

Lycom. Hence, Diphilus ; and presume no more to come into my Presence. 'Twas your paltry Flattery that made me ridiculous. — Such a Genius can never be at a loss for Employment, for I have found you qualified for the very meanest Offices.
Theas. My Daughter, Sir, I hope, hath put Confidence in a Man of Honour.
Ach. My Word, Madam, is as sacred as the most religious Ceremony. — — Yet (though we are already solemnly betroth'd to each other) 'tis my Request, Madam, that before I leave the Court the Priest may confirm the Marriage.
Theas. This might have prov'd a scurvy Affair, Deidamia ; for a Woman can never depend upon a Man's Honour after she hath lost her own to him.
Lycom. You must own, Madam, that 'twas your own Jealousies that were the occasion of Deidamia 's Disgrace.
Theas. How can you have the Assurance to name it? Does it not put you in mind of your own? — Let her marriage to Achilles make us forget every thing past.
Ach. As you was so furiously in Love, Lord Ajax , I hope I shall still retain your Friendship.
Ajax. No joking I beg you, young Man. — But pr'ythee, how came you here? and in a Woman's Dress too! — Your setting out, Stripling, did not seem to promise much.
Ach. The Adventure wou'd be too long to tell you. — — I shall reserve the Story for the Camp.
Art. The Priest, Sir, is ready.
Lycom. The Ceremony waits you.
Ach. It shall be my Study, Lycomedes , to deserve this Alliance.
Lycom. May you be happy!
Theas. Let the Priest then join your Hands.
Per. Our Duel, Ajax , had made a much better Figure if there had been a Woman in the Case. — — But you know, like Men of violent Honour, we were so very valiant that we did not know what we were fighting for.
Ajax. If you are too free with your Wit, Periphas , perhaps we may know what we quarrel about.
Ulys. What testy, Ajax! Petticoats have led many a Man into an Error. How lucky was the Discovery! for had you found a real complying Woman, you had irretrievably been married. — — The Presence of Achilles shall now animate the War.

AIR LI. The Man that is drunk, &c. Per.

Was ever a Lover so happily freed! Ajax.
Try me no more; and mention it never. Ulys.
Suppose you had found her a Woman indeed. Ajax.
Must I be teaz'd and worried for ever! Diom.

By Conquest in Battle we finish the Strife; Per.
But Marriage had kept you in Quarrels for Life. Ajax.
Must you be fleering?
Truce with your jeering.
Know that you Wits oft' paid for your sneering.
Per. If you had been deceiv'd by a Woman — 'tis what we are all liable to.
Diom. But Ajax is a Man of warm Imagination.
Ajax. After this Day let me hear no more of this ridiculous Affair.
Per. Nay for that matter any Man might have been deceiv'd; for Love, you know, is blind.
Ajax. With my Sword I can answer any Man. — — I tell you, I hate joking.
Lycom. I have the common Cause so much at Heart, that I wou'd not, son, detain you from the Siege.

AIR LII. There liv'd long ago in a Country Place. Deid.

How short was my Calm! in a Moment 'tis past;
Fresh Sorrows arise, and my Day is o'ercast.
But since 'tis decreed. — — Let me stifle this Tear.
Be bold, yet be cautious; my Life is thy Care;
On thine it depends; 'tis for thee that I fear.
Lycom. As both her Country and your Glory are concern'd, Deidamia must learn to bear your Absence. — In the mean time, Achilles , she shall be our Care. — — As the Marriage is confirm'd; let the Dancers, who were preparing for th' approaching Festival, celebrate the Wedding.
Ajax. But hearkee, young Fellow, — — This is the old Soldier's Play; for we seldom leave Quarters but the Landlord's Daughter is the better for us. — Hah!


Ulys. We may for a while put on a feign'd Character, but Nature is so often unguarded that it will shew itself. — — 'Tis to the Armour we owe Achilles .

AIR LIII. Minuet of Corelli . Single.

Nature breaks forth at the Moment unguarded; Chorus.
Through all Disguise she her self must betray. Single.
Heav'n with Success hath our Labours rewarded. Chorus.
Let's with Achilles our Genius obey .

AIR LIV. Saraband of Corelli . Ulys.

Thus when the Cat had once all Woman's Graces;
Courtship, Marriage won her Embraces:
Forth leapt a Mouse; she, forgetting Enjoyment,
Quits her fond Spouse for her former Employment.


Minuet of Corelli .

Nature breaks forth at the Moment unguarded;
Through all Disguise she her self must betray.
Heav'n with Success hath our Labours rewarded;
Let's with Achilles our Genius obey .
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