Across the Hills
A little valley round me lies
Circled about by silent hills;
Above it sweep the endless skies—
In Spring, it is all daffodils;
In Summer, the sweetbrier grows
For those who seek; then, wistful days
Soften through Autumn, till the snows
Lie white on all the quiet ways.
The many, many ways that wend
Their many paths the valley through!
I cannot trace them to the end—
They stretch a little space in view
And then (ah, some are rough to tread!
But some all gently travel on
With sunlight shining overhead)
They climb the hill-crest, and are gone.
And by these roads, day after day,
My friends and fellows, one by one
With eyes far-searching, fare away.
So shall I do as they have done—
Some day, with swift or faltering pace
And one look backward, long and fond,
Shall climb the encircling hills, and face
The great beyond—the great beyond!
Circled about by silent hills;
Above it sweep the endless skies—
In Spring, it is all daffodils;
In Summer, the sweetbrier grows
For those who seek; then, wistful days
Soften through Autumn, till the snows
Lie white on all the quiet ways.
The many, many ways that wend
Their many paths the valley through!
I cannot trace them to the end—
They stretch a little space in view
And then (ah, some are rough to tread!
But some all gently travel on
With sunlight shining overhead)
They climb the hill-crest, and are gone.
And by these roads, day after day,
My friends and fellows, one by one
With eyes far-searching, fare away.
So shall I do as they have done—
Some day, with swift or faltering pace
And one look backward, long and fond,
Shall climb the encircling hills, and face
The great beyond—the great beyond!
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