Acts of the Apostles, The - Chapter 13


H APPY man with princes bred
Who knows his gracious day,
From a court's temptations freed
And clean escaped away!
With the choice of Moses bless'd,
The world he doth for Christ forego,
Suffers with His saints distress'd,
And serves His church below.

Chosen by God's immediate will,
Seal'd with the Spirit's authentic seal,
He was ordain'd before,
As Christ's ambassador had gone,
And made his Lord to sinners known,
His truth, and love, and power.

Yet lo, the Holy Ghost commands
The elders to lay on their hands,
And recognise His call,
To teach the apostolic way
That preachers may the church obey,
And each be sent by all.

C HRIST'S ministers apart are set
For work, not idleness or state,
For toils that never cease;
By Him in all their labours bless'd
Till Jesus gives His servants rest
And bids them die in peace.

H OLY G HOST , beneath whose power
Our praying souls we bow,
Open wide the gospel-door
Send forth apostles now:
Men by inspiration moved
The tidings of great joy to tell,
Men whose call is fully proved
By signs infallible.

Messengers of Christ the Lord,
The Lamb for sinners slain,
Boldly let them preach the word
Of God, and not of man:
If the word is surely Thine
Which testifies our sins forgiven,
To demonstrate it Divine,
Thyself come down from heaven.

N OT by the crafty wizard sway'd
The prudent man his judgment show'd,
Not of the slander'd truth afraid,
But listening to the word of God,
For God infused the good desire
And stirr'd a sinner up to' inquire.

S ATAN in his allies withstands
The preaching of that word,
Which sinners plucks out of his hands,
And turns them to the Lord;
Which brings them faith and power to quell
The fury of the foe,
And baffle all the wiles of hell,
And all the strength o'erthrow.

The great are compass'd round by those
Who would their mind pervert,
The truth of saving grace oppose,
And keep out of their heart;
But few amidst the world, desire
To find apostles near,
Or prudently resolve to' inquire,
And for themselves to hear.

W ITH the Omniscient Spirit fill'd
Who knows what is in man,
Paul perceives the fiend conceal'd
From mortal view in vain;
Looks with Jesus' flaming eyes,
Which sin-consuming virtue dart,
Sees his heart without disguise,
His false infernal heart.

Not with angry passion fired,
But holy fervent zeal,
By his righteous Lord inspired
His judgments to reveal;
Paul rebukes in truth severe,
The power of Jesus to display,
Gives the wizard's character,
And drags him into day.

Sharpness exercised on one
Is mercy shown to all,
Warns them of the pit unknown,
Nor suffers them to fall;
Love of truth and innocence
Are to the Lamb's apostle given,
Justify his vehemence,
And prove his zeal from Heaven.

W HO sees the miracle believes,
Who feels it is an heathen still,
Nor yet beneath the judgment grieves,
Or bows to Christ his stubborn will;
Judgments alone cannot convert,
Or chase the fiend out of his heart.

One only way doth still remain
To turn a sorcerer's heart or mine;
My heart if Jesus' love constrain,
Changed from infernal to Divine,
Him and His doctrine I receive,
And saved, to serve my Saviour live.

C ONFIRM'D by daily miracle
The doctrine of the Lord, we find,
It doth the heavenly light reveal
But strikes the truth's opposers blind;
Baffles their utmost craft and power,
And leaves them darker than before.

Amazed the strange effects we see
Wrought by the Spirit's two-edged sword,
And in the world's obscurity
Discern the quick and powerful word,
Which all the sons of darkness still
Deny the Scriptures and fulfil.

O F evangelic pains afraid,
With danger or fatigue dismay'd,
Ah, why did he draw back?
Counsel with flesh and blood he took,
That the good work which he forsook
I never may forsake.

Or if I have turn'd back in heart,
Or basely threaten'd to depart,
And from my brethren fly,
My weakness, Lord, like John I mourn,
And by Thy gracious help return
With them to live and die.

U NMOVED by human hope or fear,
Who publishes his Lord
Speaks, as Jehovah's messenger,
The' authoritative word,
Boldly of Christ he testifies,
And knows his Lord's intent
That those who hear should recognise
The Sender in the sent.

Have not I for forty years
Wandering in the wilderness
Tempted by my doubts and fears,
Grieved the Spirit of His grace;
By rebellions multiplied
Dared my Angel-Guide to' offend,
Jesus' utmost patience tried,
Found His mercies never end.

Yes, Thou hast my manners borne,
God of love, to anger slow:
When I would to sin return,
Still Thou wouldst not let me go;
Oft as in my heart I err'd
Thou wast ready to forgive,
Hast till now the rebel spared,
Strangely suffer'd me to live.

O the depths of mercy shown
One who did Thee such despite!
Infinite my sins I own
Mercy is more infinite!
Let me then Thy grace implore
Since Thou hast so much forgiven,
Bear me a few moments more,
Lead me to my rest in heaven.

G OD is the King by kings adored,
The world and all therein are His:
Empires and states fulfil His word,
And rise and sink as He decrees:
He gives earth's potentates to know
Their royal rights are in His hand,
His frown doth all their power o'erthrow,
His smile appoints their thrones to stand.

While Canaan He to Israel gives,
The Lord His righteous power reveals,
Sinners to just destruction leaves,
His faithful promises fulfils;
Rewards the just, idolatry
Destroys, the worship true makes known,
And stablishing His love's decree
Prepares the coming of His Son.

A H , never Lord in anger giant
My foolish fond request,
But give whate'er Thou know'st I want,
Whate'er Thou know'st is best:
Happy I in Thy hands remain,
My king be Thou alone,
And in my humble heart maintain
Thine everlasting throne.

J ESUS , of Jesse's line
We sing Thy birth Divine:
God's substantial character
(Thou the real David art)
Thou dost all His glory bear,
Fashion'd after His own heart.

Thou, Lord, and Thou alone
His utmost will hast done,
Subject to Thy Father made,
Him Thou never didst displease,
Hast in every point obey'd,
Wrought a perfect righteousness.

With Thee we put it on,
And bold approach the throne,
We have done what God hath will'd
Whole in Thy integrity,
We have all His law fulfill'd
Dear to God as one with Thee.

Even I through Thy desert
Am after God's own heart,
Other merit I disclaim,
Other title I resign,
Justified by Jesus' name
Saved by righteousness Divine.

G OD in His Son incarnate
Hath shown His promised favour,
Hath raised Him up
The sinner's Hope,
The universal Saviour;
Sprung from the house of David
Yet every tongue and nation
May mercy claim;
For in His name
He brings us all salvation.

Baptized into His nature
We bless the name of Jesus,
To us who prove
His pardoning love
Inestimably precious;
And all Thy loving Israel ,
And every true believer,
Who now in Thee
Salvation see,
Shall see Thy face for ever.

J ESU'S every harbinger
Should decrease and disappear,
Should throughout his course below
Only Christ resolve to know,
Only manifest His grace,
Only glory in His praise.

O that like the Bridegroom's friend,
I mine earthly course might end,
Nothing in mine own esteem
Render all the praise to Him,
Live my Lord to testify,
Witnessing of Jesus die.

F ATHER I would Thy will obey,
Serve Thy church in this my day,
And answer Thy design,
As minister of all and least
Till from my finish'd work I rest
Within the arms Divine.

Rest after toil is doubly sweet!
All my cares I shall forget
If Thou my soul receive;
Shall incorruptible arise,
And see Thee with my body's eyes,
And in Thy glory live.

T HE prophecies foreshow'd
The justice and the grace,
The love and righteousness of God
Toward all our sinful race;
And if we still rebel,
Nor will for mercy sue,
We must His rigorous anger feel,
And prove His threatenings true.

Then let us all beware
While yet we may repent,
By humble watchfulness and prayer
The coming woe prevent;
Improve the added space
Ere God His wrath reveal,
Believe the prophecies of grace,
And by our faith fulfil.

T HE awful prophecy
Accomplish'd now we own,
While Christian infidels deny
And mock the God unknown:
Thy present work of grace
They will not Lord believe,
Though thousands by their lives confess,
Thou dost on earth forgive.

Amazed the scoffers stand,
And see on every side
The wonders of Thine outstretch'd hand
On sinners justified.
Convinced they will not be
Till mercy's day is pass'd,
In stubborn incredulity
Resolved to die at last.

L ED by the word's attractive power,
The souls who once therewith are fed,
Eagerly seek and covet more
As hungering for their daily bread;
But only God their zeal can bless,
And make it saving eagerness.

This fervency of good desire
How soon it cools and dies away,
These sparks of grace in smoke expire
When men perverse the truth gainsay;
They outrage then their gospel friends,
And love in persecution ends.

W HO now His work revives
In these apostate days,
Invites professors first, and gives
To you the word of grace:
Into your churches sent
With news of sin forgiven
We preach the kingdom near; repent,
Believe, and enter heaven.

If harden'd ye remain,
Refuse by faith to live,
The gift of righteousness disdain
Which God would freely give;
Ye wilfully refuse
The life of glory too;
And know, ye grace rejecting Jews ,
There is no heaven for you.

Embolden'd through the name
Which speaks salvation sure,
Our call we follow, and proclaim
The gospel to the poor;
Repulsed by you we know,
And guided by His will,
To the highways and hedges go,
And thus our charge fulfil:

The sons of wickedness
The slaves of open sin,
Outcasts and vagabonds we press,
And force them to come in:
And lo from sin released
Heathens obey the call,
Baptized, or unbaptized they feast
With Him who died for all.

T RUE Light of mankind,
Shine into the mind
Of poor heathens like me,
And open our eyes Thine appearing to see.
The obscurity chase
Which involves our whole race,
Till Thou bid it depart,
And the blindness remove from the infidel heart.

When Thy mercy appears
It disperses our fears,
Blots out the thick cloud,
And shows us the face of a pacified God;
By the heavenly ray,
We discover our way,
By the Spirit of love
We are led to the house of our Father above.

T HE unspeakable Grace
By faith we embrace,
Whom His Father doth give,
In the ends of the earth our salvation receive;
Salvation from sin
With Jesus brought in
We exult to obtain,
And the favour of God and His image regain.

O that all the lost kind
Our Redeemer might find,
On the Gentiles bestow'd
Who bought the whole world with His life-giving blood
Who would have them believe,
And His fulness receive,
And created again
For a moment endure, and eternally reign.

O RDAIN'D , prepared, disposed
By His preventing grace,
With Christ they gladly closed,
The Friend of human race;
Their proffer'd Saviour they received,
And every open'd heart believed.

Saviour and Friend of men
Be still benignly near,
And us to life ordain
Who now Thy gospel hear,
Incline us to depart from sin,
And thus Thy grace and glory win.

Our broken hearts prepare
By deepest poverty,
And then by entering there
Fulfil Thine own decree
That every penitent may find
The' eternal Life of all mankind

S EE the last brutish refuge, see
Of baffled infidelity!
Enraged at our success,
Our words unable to gainsay,
The world their impotence betray,
And seek by force to' oppress.

Shall women too the fight maintain,
Their sex forget, their honour stain,
By furious passions stirr'd,
Devoutly show their blindfold zeal,
Or think whoe'er the servants kill
Must greatly please the Lord?

Shall men of name and dignity
With basest rioters agree,
And head the multitude?
Or magistrates their power abuse,
As fools employ'd by wicked Jews
To persecute the good?

In Satan's cause they all combine;
And then we fly by God's design
To other sinners driven,
Who gladly our report believe,
And listening crowds the truth receive,
And know their sins forgiven.

T HE dust shook off, shall rise
In judgment to condemn
Sinners, who dare the men despise,
That offer Christ to them;
The dust shook off shall prove
Salvation once was near,
But they refused the Master's love
Who spurn'd the messenger.

Who put their guides to flight,
Nor will the truth obey,
Reject with them the gospel light
And cast the salt away:
Who faithful men and just
Out of their pale expel,
Out of the church themselves they thrust,
Themselves they doom to hell.

T HE ' apostles fly the faithless race
But other sinners find,
Their work perform'd they leave the place,
But leave their Lord behind;
On those who suffer for their God
His glorious Spirit rests,
And sheds His rapturous love abroad,
And fills their ravish'd breasts.

The messengers they cannot miss
Who have the Master still,
The largest taste of heavenly bliss
Who in His Spirit feel:
And in the day of our distress
We too shall gladly own
That stripp'd of all, we all possess
In Jesus' love alone.
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