Adam was de first man and Eve was de udder

Adam was de first man and Eve was de udder,
Cain was a wicked man for he kill'd his brudder.
De Dibbel tempted Eve, the apple red to pluck,
She gave one to Adam, who eat it, worse de luck;
Out of Eden he was kick'd, never there 'gen to return,
De serpent had his legs cut off and crawls now like a worm.

David was a shepherd lad, sheep tended night and day,
A lion and a bear did come some sheep to steal away,
But David took a mighty club and both of them did slay.
Goliath, high, did Saul defy, across the river's bed,
But, from the brook, stone David took, and slung it at his head,
It struck him low, and with one blow de giant was kill'd dead;
When this was done, de foes did run, from Israel they fled.
De Book Divine says Philistine, that day, did die by score,
David alone, with sling and stone, ten thousand kill'd or more.
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