Address of a Felon to His Child on the Morning of His Execution


Poor babe, that through this darksome grate
Survey'st yon crowd with curious eye,
If thou wouldst learn why thus they wait,
Know, 'tis to see thy father die:

To see how I that death shall bear
They deem for crimes like mine most fit;
Crimes urged by want, which many there
Were never tempted to commit:....

A death, sweet innocent! for which
Thou 'lt be, alas! one day reviled:
For with my guilt the rude of speech
Too often will reproach my child.

Poor outcast! whither canst thou turn?
Thy future fate adds pangs to mine:
I'm my offences doomed to mourn,
And fear, devoted babe, for thine.

For all thou canst from me receive
Is but a legacy of shame:
And, shouldst thou up to manhood live,
Thou 'lt learn to curse thy father's name.

But, while my guilt's to thee unknown,
Come, let me hold thee to my breast,....
Thou treasure without crime my own,
Thou only wealth I e'er possessed,....

Thou pledge of pure and faithful loves,
Image of one I still deplore;....
Yet now her death a blessing proves,....
She lives not to behold this hour.

But from my arms, ah! wherefore fly?
Why do I court thy kiss in vain?
Whence spring those tears? what means that cry?
Ah me!....thou fear'st my clanking chain.

Till now I felt not all its weight;....
But soon (blest thought!) my arms they'll free,
And when I'm summoned to my fate
These arms unchained may close on thee.

Then welcome, cruel hour of death,....
Thou'lt be of some keen pangs beguiled,....
For, ere I yield my forfeit breath,
I closely may embrace my child.

And see, they come to take me hence;....
My injured orphan babe, adieu!
O cruel world! for my offence
Wilt thou this child with horror view?

Ah! yes;....with me his hopes must die;
For none will take him to their care;
The prudent e'en his sight will fly,
Lest with my blood my guilt he share.

And soon to vice and misery driven,
Unknown, or else disdained, by worth,
Untaught, my child, the way to heaven,
Thou 'lt yet be judged unfit for earth.


What words are these that to my soul
A feeling like delight impart,....
That fear and agony control,
And bind an almost broken heart?

They say a generous few have joined
(The pride of these enlightened times,)
Poor outcast orphan babes to find,
And save them from their parents' crimes.

Instruction's page to them they ope,
Bid them aspire to honest fame,
And by their own good actions hope
To wipe away their parents' shame.

Blest men!....a dying culprit's prayer
Now seeks for you the heavenly throne;....
For making thus our babes your care
May heaven reward you in your own!
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