Advice to Phillis

Phillis , imprudent Nymph , forbear
To squander, what you earn'd so dear,
While in old Geron 's Arms you lay.
Time swiftly flyes, and on his Wings
Ruin to Youth , and Beauty brings,
And you, like Geron , soon must pay.


Then when your darling Youth complains
Of empty Purse , and empty Veins ,
And hints at fifty Pieces more,
How will you curse Basset , and Dice ,
And long, in vain, to low'r the Price ,
Your own Extortion rais'd before.


Decay'd, and fleec'd, you'll hardly find
The future Race of Fools so kind
As those, your present Charms insnare:
No Fops shall then around you croud;
But pass in hast , and whisper loud ,
Our Fathers once beheld her Fair.
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