Advyce to Be Blyth in Bail
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
In barret gif thow be bowne to byde,
Lat comfort clenlie in the rest;
Lat never thy cair in court be cryd.
Thy harmis het luik that thow hyde;
Have houp in him that ay sall lest;
Fra sorow sone be set on syde.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Gif thow will not in bail be blyth,
Sone of this blis thow may be bair:
Albeit thow sich ane thousand syth,
It will nocht sauf the of thy sair;
Nor yet remeid the of thy cair.
Lat comfort cleinlie in the rest:
Thow leyr this lessoun at my lair,
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Deir on deis and thow be dicht,
And syne sits drowpand lyke ane daa,
Fayn will thay [all] be of that sicht;
And thai that onlie is thy fa,
Thay will nocht gruge to lat ye ga:
Thair is no gle with sic ane gest.
Oftsys sayis the sempill sua,
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Lat never thy inne meis with thy mis,
Nor mak the mirth on na maneir;
How ever thay say with the it is,
Of thy mischief lat thame nocht heir.
Thai will be blyth, as bird on breir,
In payn to see the punist and prest:
Thairfoir in countenance ay be cleir.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
For ay blyth I reid [that] we be,
That ever in blis we may be kend;
For this I say, be ma than me,
That murning may nothing amend.
Fra the feynd God us defend,
For bayth fute and hand wes fast.
Of this mater I mak ane end.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
In barret gif thow be bowne to byde,
Lat comfort clenlie in the rest;
Lat never thy cair in court be cryd.
Thy harmis het luik that thow hyde;
Have houp in him that ay sall lest;
Fra sorow sone be set on syde.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Gif thow will not in bail be blyth,
Sone of this blis thow may be bair:
Albeit thow sich ane thousand syth,
It will nocht sauf the of thy sair;
Nor yet remeid the of thy cair.
Lat comfort cleinlie in the rest:
Thow leyr this lessoun at my lair,
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Deir on deis and thow be dicht,
And syne sits drowpand lyke ane daa,
Fayn will thay [all] be of that sicht;
And thai that onlie is thy fa,
Thay will nocht gruge to lat ye ga:
Thair is no gle with sic ane gest.
Oftsys sayis the sempill sua,
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
Lat never thy inne meis with thy mis,
Nor mak the mirth on na maneir;
How ever thay say with the it is,
Of thy mischief lat thame nocht heir.
Thai will be blyth, as bird on breir,
In payn to see the punist and prest:
Thairfoir in countenance ay be cleir.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
For ay blyth I reid [that] we be,
That ever in blis we may be kend;
For this I say, be ma than me,
That murning may nothing amend.
Fra the feynd God us defend,
For bayth fute and hand wes fast.
Of this mater I mak ane end.
In bail be blyth, for that is best.
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