
Soft Dream of Virgins! happy Matron 's Pride!
You Peace restore, you Empires can divide,
More powerful than Friendship's sacred Tye,
Riches, Ambition, or Philosophy!
Tho' blind , yet bold ; tho' dumb , you teach to speak ,
In Action strong, and thro' your Triumphs weak;
Eager , as hasty Torrents, when controul'd ;
When unresisted , whimsically cold .
That you are just , your very Foes agree,
Partial to neither Sex , and no Degree ;
But visit both the Wealthy , and the Poor ,
And knock , like equal Death, at ev'ry Door.
Nor do you swell , vain glorious, with Success ;
But, after Conquest still retir'd , and less ,
The Hero , and the Sage at once confess.
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