Afternoon Gossip, An

Is that you sistah Harris?
I knowed you when you knocked;
Jest keep right on a-pushing,
The ole door isn't locked!

Ole white man's been forgetting,
Each day since first I sent;
He's got a pow'ful mem'ry,
When comes the time for rent.

Now, sit down; Whut's your hurry?
You have no work to do;
I'm mos' done with my i'ning;
You always beats me through.

You aint no bother to me!
Jest sit here where its cool;
Hush fretting 'bout them child'en!
You know they're safe in school.

Now, whut's the news, Amanda?
Hearn some 'bout Flora Ann;
Jest take this little rocker,
And reach that pa'm leaf fan.

I hearn she's gone and married,
That trifling Louis Bird;
Says I to Abe this mo'nin',
Don't b'lieve a single word.

Hush woman! Whut's you sayin'?
How can that news be true?
Flo Ann wus sot on Jasper,
She never keered for Lou.

Well people! Don't that beat you?
Gone married Lou fo' spite;
The Lod have mussy on her!
She's trapped herse'f for life.

Guess what ole Jeems been doin'?
Can't guess to save my life;
Aint took a crazy notion,
To git another wife?

Fo' land-sakes! sister Harris,
Ha! ha! ha! aint I beat?
That man's jest buyin' hosses
Fo' crows an' dogs to eat.

Now, you know well as I do,
He loses ev'ry one:
They're half dead when he gets them;
I 'spect he thinks it's fun.

'Twus jest a week last Tuesday;
Abe made me break my side,
Telling how the marshal fined him,
For half bur'ing one that died.

I hearn 'bout Sister Curtley?
Why Sistah Harris, no!
Fell down and broke her ankle?
Good Lo'd! You don't say so?

Fell down them ole back do' steps!
She told me they wus broke;
Ole Smith put off the fixing:
I'd make that white man smoke!

I must git round and see her;
Hope God will bring her through;
We must pray for her, Mandy,
And see whut we can do.

We must not shirk our duty,
And linger in the lurch,
But help, in tribulations,
A sistah in the church.

You say you're feeling poorly?
Then course you couldn't go;
Yes, Sistah Riley told me,
That you wus feeling slow.

Now hush your 'pologizing!
I know your heart is true;
Whut sistah did more shouting,
Last 'vival time than you?

You wa'n't out to meeting,
When they ‘churched’ Riah Brown?
You'd broke your sides a-laughing,
How Elder called him down.

The Elder riz and asked him,
To take a seat in front;
So, up the aisle he shuffled,
And sot down, with a grunt.

Then, spoke up Elder Mitchell,
“Now, whut have you to say?
You know the charge against you,
For the evil of your way.

“You've walked the way of sinnahs,
Used church funds for your gain,
And when 'cused by Deacon Riley,
Took the name of God, in vain.”

Ef evah in your lifetime,
You've seen a good whooped hound,
With head and tail a-dragging,
You then saw Riah Brown.

“And therefore,” said the elder,
His voice wus loud and stout;
“We want no wolves among us;
I move to turn you out.”

Poor sistah Brown wus crying,
Riah wus sniffling too;
Yet seemed no sad occasion,
Jest spite of all I'd do.

I know 'twa'n't like no christain,
The feeling that I had,
For ev'ry where around me,
The sistahs looked so sad.

But 'pon my word, Amanda,
Since my eyes first saw light;
I never felt more tickled,
Than I did Tuesday night.

Then Riah says a sniffin',
“I did do whut you say,
But bred'ren ‘twas ole Satan,
That coaxed me from the way.”

You could a hearn a pin drop,
When he commenced to say,—
“I'm but a umble critter;—”
Laws, listen! Is that May?”

Laws, honey! here's the child'en,
School caint be out so soon;
Ef ever time went flyin'.
It did this afternoon.

That's right, I didn't finish,
Well, I wus most nigh through,
You'll hear the rest tomorrow?
I dont keer ef you do.

All right, tomorrow, Mandy,
I'm mighty gled you come;
Now, don't fret 'bout them child'en,
You'll find them safe at home.

And say, oh Sistah Harris!
Tomorrow, when you come,
Please tell old Mr. Bailey,
To send Abe's hatchet home.
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