Againe to Hir
Faine would I write that Witt nere yet concea'ud,
But abiect Witt withstands my highe Desire:
So diuerse write, and weene, yet are deceaud:
For Follies Flawes make light Witt so aspire.
Then, cease to write. Then, is Desire displeas'd
Better Displease Desire, then Witt disgrace.
Disgrace on Witt hath at this Instant seisd.
Wherefore? for halting. Then Witt post apace
Vnto the Point: now, now, thy quicknesse show:
For, Fowrleene Lines thy Lymitts are, and They
Are at a Point. What if they bee? I know
The more's my meede if now I Witt bewray.
The last Line next ensues: your praise, and Witt's behind
For, may all raise your Price except Men beeing rude of kind.
But abiect Witt withstands my highe Desire:
So diuerse write, and weene, yet are deceaud:
For Follies Flawes make light Witt so aspire.
Then, cease to write. Then, is Desire displeas'd
Better Displease Desire, then Witt disgrace.
Disgrace on Witt hath at this Instant seisd.
Wherefore? for halting. Then Witt post apace
Vnto the Point: now, now, thy quicknesse show:
For, Fowrleene Lines thy Lymitts are, and They
Are at a Point. What if they bee? I know
The more's my meede if now I Witt bewray.
The last Line next ensues: your praise, and Witt's behind
For, may all raise your Price except Men beeing rude of kind.
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