Against Marriage to His Mistress
Against Marriage,
Yes , all the world must sure agree,
He who's secur'd of having thee
Will be entirely blest:
But 'twere in me too great a wrong,
To make one who has been so long
My queen, my slave at last.
Nor ought those things to be confin'd,
That were for public good design'd:
Could we, in foolish pride,
Make the sun always with us stay,
'Twould burn our corn and grass away,
To starve the world beside.
Let not the thoughts of parting fright
Two souls, which passion does unite;
For while our love does last,
Neither will strive to go away;
And why the devil should we stay,
When once that love is past?
Yes , all the world must sure agree,
He who's secur'd of having thee
Will be entirely blest:
But 'twere in me too great a wrong,
To make one who has been so long
My queen, my slave at last.
Nor ought those things to be confin'd,
That were for public good design'd:
Could we, in foolish pride,
Make the sun always with us stay,
'Twould burn our corn and grass away,
To starve the world beside.
Let not the thoughts of parting fright
Two souls, which passion does unite;
For while our love does last,
Neither will strive to go away;
And why the devil should we stay,
When once that love is past?
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