Against Proud Crooked-Shankt Lucius
Against proud crooked-shankt Lucius.
L VCIUS his eyes are euer on his leggs:
What ayl'd thee Lucius still to looke so lowe?
Is it sith Pride descendeth in her dreggs?
Or for some other cause thou sham'st to showe?
Thou art for pride a peacocke, which doth loth
To looke vpon her leggs: Then Lucius why
Lookst thou on thine, they being crooked both?
Sure there is in't some hidden misterie
Ist thy silk stockins of carnation dye?
Why man thou knowst they are not yet paid for,
Therefore methinkes they should offend thine eye
Sith they doe minde thee of thy creditor.
Good Lord! what then doth make thee looke so lowe,
Thy head and heart being check-mates with the moone?
I knowe (good Lucius) thou thyselfe dost know:
Though thou (perhaps) knowst not thyselfe so soone:
But by thy lookes I well perceaue it is,
Thou lou'st thyselfe for parts that are amisse.
L VCIUS his eyes are euer on his leggs:
What ayl'd thee Lucius still to looke so lowe?
Is it sith Pride descendeth in her dreggs?
Or for some other cause thou sham'st to showe?
Thou art for pride a peacocke, which doth loth
To looke vpon her leggs: Then Lucius why
Lookst thou on thine, they being crooked both?
Sure there is in't some hidden misterie
Ist thy silk stockins of carnation dye?
Why man thou knowst they are not yet paid for,
Therefore methinkes they should offend thine eye
Sith they doe minde thee of thy creditor.
Good Lord! what then doth make thee looke so lowe,
Thy head and heart being check-mates with the moone?
I knowe (good Lucius) thou thyselfe dost know:
Though thou (perhaps) knowst not thyselfe so soone:
But by thy lookes I well perceaue it is,
Thou lou'st thyselfe for parts that are amisse.
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