Against Pure Glaucus His Impurity
G LAUCUS his braine growes ouer great with yong
Viprous conceits therein abreeding bee;
His pia mater cannot brooke their thronge,
Which through it gnawe a way, and out they flee
(Like plagues out of Pandora's box) to wayte
Their spoyle that thwart them, or them entertaine;
Yet is he held a man of rare concelt,—
Rare, for it is most impious, vile and vaine;
Yet is he pure, and lookes diuinely graue,—
So hee's a graue, egregious, most pure knaue.
Viprous conceits therein abreeding bee;
His pia mater cannot brooke their thronge,
Which through it gnawe a way, and out they flee
(Like plagues out of Pandora's box) to wayte
Their spoyle that thwart them, or them entertaine;
Yet is he held a man of rare concelt,—
Rare, for it is most impious, vile and vaine;
Yet is he pure, and lookes diuinely graue,—
So hee's a graue, egregious, most pure knaue.
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