Alba. The Months Minde of a Melancholy Lover - Divine Poems, 9
A Tirant great, faire Beautie is in Love,
When it doth triumph in a lovely face:
And who with cold Disdaine , this doth not move,
Is caught by subtill sweet alluring Grace:
Who stands at Beauties Gaze , and doth not flie,
Is soone entrapt by wilfull glancing eye.
This which of true Love is but Picture bare,
With shadowing Vale doth dimme our cleerest sight:
And if to follow it we do not spare,
It soone deceives us with a false delight,
And to perpetuall prison sends our soule,
Unles her sleights by Reason we controule.
Faire Pearle , fine gold, base excrements of th'earth;
Whats Beautie , but a little White and Red?
Revived with a little lively Breath ,
With Winde , or Sunne , or Sicknes altered?
All this doth Time consume and bring to nought,
And all what ere into this world is brought.
The fairest Colours drie and vanish shall;
The yongst must pack as well as doth the Olde ,
All mortall things to mortall death must fall,
And therefore first were cast in earthly molde.
That which doth florish greene as grasse to-day,
Tomorow withereth like to dried Hay.
When it doth triumph in a lovely face:
And who with cold Disdaine , this doth not move,
Is caught by subtill sweet alluring Grace:
Who stands at Beauties Gaze , and doth not flie,
Is soone entrapt by wilfull glancing eye.
This which of true Love is but Picture bare,
With shadowing Vale doth dimme our cleerest sight:
And if to follow it we do not spare,
It soone deceives us with a false delight,
And to perpetuall prison sends our soule,
Unles her sleights by Reason we controule.
Faire Pearle , fine gold, base excrements of th'earth;
Whats Beautie , but a little White and Red?
Revived with a little lively Breath ,
With Winde , or Sunne , or Sicknes altered?
All this doth Time consume and bring to nought,
And all what ere into this world is brought.
The fairest Colours drie and vanish shall;
The yongst must pack as well as doth the Olde ,
All mortall things to mortall death must fall,
And therefore first were cast in earthly molde.
That which doth florish greene as grasse to-day,
Tomorow withereth like to dried Hay.
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