Alba. The Months Minde of a Melancholy Lover - Part 1, 23
Gold's changde to Lead, and Emmeralds into Glasse;
Lillies prove Weedes, and Roses Nettles bee:
No harmles Beasts now through the fields doe passe,
To feede on Hill or Valleys shade we see:
Wilde Tigers fierce, and ravenous Lions fell,
In open Plaine, and cooly Groves doe dwell.
In stead of milde and pleasing Accents sweete,
From hollow Places fearfull Voices sound:
Eccho amongst the craggie rocks doth weepe,
And (heavie) makes her noyse with sighs rebound.
Rivers against their wonted course do runne,
The Moone lookes black, eclipsed is the Sunne.
The Sallow shakes his boughes, and inward grieves,
The Cypresse shew'th as if he sickly were,
And (melancholy) bares his lothed leaves,
A signe presaging some great cause of feare.
Phoebus no more doth combe his tresses faire,
But careles lets them feltred hang in th'aire.
Ghosts through the Citie ghastfully appeere,
And hideous shapes the mindes of men afright:
No Day we have, but darknes every where,
And turnd the World is topsie turvy quite,
The cause of all this change is my faire Love,
Since to the countrie (hence) she doth remove.
Lillies prove Weedes, and Roses Nettles bee:
No harmles Beasts now through the fields doe passe,
To feede on Hill or Valleys shade we see:
Wilde Tigers fierce, and ravenous Lions fell,
In open Plaine, and cooly Groves doe dwell.
In stead of milde and pleasing Accents sweete,
From hollow Places fearfull Voices sound:
Eccho amongst the craggie rocks doth weepe,
And (heavie) makes her noyse with sighs rebound.
Rivers against their wonted course do runne,
The Moone lookes black, eclipsed is the Sunne.
The Sallow shakes his boughes, and inward grieves,
The Cypresse shew'th as if he sickly were,
And (melancholy) bares his lothed leaves,
A signe presaging some great cause of feare.
Phoebus no more doth combe his tresses faire,
But careles lets them feltred hang in th'aire.
Ghosts through the Citie ghastfully appeere,
And hideous shapes the mindes of men afright:
No Day we have, but darknes every where,
And turnd the World is topsie turvy quite,
The cause of all this change is my faire Love,
Since to the countrie (hence) she doth remove.
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