To the All-Admired for True Honor and Vertue, Dorothy, Countesse of Northumberland
To the all-admired for true honor and vertue, Dorothy, Countesse of Northumberland
Refulgent lustre of the weaker sex,
Who both in country, Court and change of fate,
(Which oft might, past themselues, the weaker vexe)
Hast borne thy selfe, as best became thy state
Who with much more then most precise respect
Hast led thine honor through thy passed dayes;
That selfe-suspition ne're did yet suspect
But the least trip in all thine honors wayes
Then, O be pleasd that I (who haue more will
Then pow'r by countlesse ods) may celebrate
Thine honors praise: which heauen and earth doth fill;
And make the same both time and death our date:
For sith thou hast so liud, euen Death intends
I reufue thee in all worlds, beyond all ends.
Refulgent lustre of the weaker sex,
Who both in country, Court and change of fate,
(Which oft might, past themselues, the weaker vexe)
Hast borne thy selfe, as best became thy state
Who with much more then most precise respect
Hast led thine honor through thy passed dayes;
That selfe-suspition ne're did yet suspect
But the least trip in all thine honors wayes
Then, O be pleasd that I (who haue more will
Then pow'r by countlesse ods) may celebrate
Thine honors praise: which heauen and earth doth fill;
And make the same both time and death our date:
For sith thou hast so liud, euen Death intends
I reufue thee in all worlds, beyond all ends.
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