All-Knowing God, 'Tis Thine to Know

All-knowing God, 'tis thine to know
The springs whence wrong opinions flow;
To judge from principles within,
Where frailty errs, and where we sin.

Who among men, high Lord of all
Thy servants to his bar may call,
Decide of heresy, and shake
A brother o'er the flaming lake?

Who with another's eye can read,
Or worship by another's creed?
Revering thy command alone.
We humbly seek and use our own.

If wrong, forgive, accept if right;
While faithful we obey our light,
And cens'ring none, are zealous still
To follow as to learn thy will.

When shall our happy eyes behold
Thy people fashioned in thy mold,
And charity our language prove
Derived from thee, O God of love?
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