"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; Iwill make him a help meet for him."--Gen. 2, 18.
Alone! God saw His creature man,
Deprived of great felicity,
And changed the order of His plan
That earth in harmony might be
With all the products of the spheres,
Which move in such perfect accord,
That through aeons of passing years
They but proclaim a perfect Lord.
The earth was fair and fresh and young,
The stars hung in a cloudless sky,
Sweet perfumes on the air were flung
From every breeze went laughing by;
The brook and bird in wanton glee,
Attuned their notes in such refrain
That earth was full of minstrelsy,
And heaven re-echoed it again.
God's image, man, heard not the strain,
No beauty charmed his listless eye,
Earth spread her treasures but in vain,
In vain shone the bejeweled sky;
Earth gave no food for hungry heart,
No solace-cup from which to sip,
Defective seemed Nature and Art,
To soul robbed of companionship.
A "help meet" then to man was given,
To soothe and cheer his lonely way;
Eve was an afterthought of Heaven
That crowned the last creation-day.
Create anew, Almighty Power,
A "help meet" for the desolate,
Let no wild sophistry devour
The solace Thou didst last create.English
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