Also scripture saithe, who be to that region

Also scripture saithe, woo be to that regyon
Where ys a kyng unwyse or innocent;
Moreovyr it ys right a gret abusion,
A womman of a land to be a regent,
Quene Margrete I mene, that ever hathe ment
To governe alle Engeland with myght and poure,
And to destroye the ryght lyne was here entent,
Wherfore sche hathe a fal, to here gret langoure.

Wherfore I lykken England to a gardayne,
Whiche that hathe ben overgrowen many yere
Withe wedys, whiche must be mowen doune playne,
And than schul the pleasant swete herbes appere.
Wherfore alle trewe Englyshe peuple, pray yn fere
For kyng Edward of Rouen, oure comfortoure,
That he kepe justice and make wedis clere,
Avoydyng the blak cloudys of langoure.

A gret signe it ys that God lovythe that knyght,
For alle thoo that woold have destroyed hym utterly,
Alle they ar myschyeved and put to flyght.
Than remembre hys fortune with chevalry
Whiche at Northamptoun gate the victory,
And at Mortimers Crosse he had the honnour;
On Palme Sonday he wan the palme of glorye,
And put hys enemyes to endelez langour.
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