Amend Me

I pray yow all with on thoght,
Amendith me, and pair me nogh[t].

Holy Wret seth—nothing ys sother—
That no man schuld apeir other:
Seth in God I am thi brother,
Amendyth me, and payr me noght.

The lore in the gospell ilk man may se:
Yf thi brother trespas to the,
Betwen vs two snyb thou me;
Amendyth me, and peyr me noght.

Yf thou se I do amysse,
And no man wot bot thou of this,
Mak it noght so il as it ys;
Amend me, and peyr me noght.

God byddes thou schalt no man defame,
Nor apeyr no mans name,
Bot, euen as thou wold han the same,
Amend me, and peyr me noght.

Apeyr thou no man with thi word,
Nother in ernest ne in bowrd;
Lat thi tong, that is thi sword,
Amend ever and peyr noght.

Now to amend God gyf vs grace,
Of repentaunce and verre space,
In heuen ther to se hys face,
Qwer we schall mend and peyr noght.
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