Amour 20 -

Reading sometyme, my sorrowes to beguile,
I find old Poets hylls and floods admire.
One, he doth wonder monster-breeding Nyle ,
Another, mervailes Sulphure Aetnas fire.

Now broad-brymd Indus , then of Pindus height,
Pelion and Ossa , frosty Caucase old,
The Delian Cynthus , then Olympus weight,
Slow Arrer , frantick Gallus, Cydnus cold.

Some Ganges, Ister , and of Tagus tell,
Some whir-poole Po , and slyding Hypasis ,
Some old Pernassus , where the Muses dwell,
Some Helycon , and some faire Simois ,
A fooles thinke I, had you Idea seene,
Poore Brookes and Banks had no such wonders beene.
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