
Is it Summer? Wine produce,
Give me the kind recruiting Juice:
No Day must now a Draught escape,
No Day but helps to bring the Grape .
Soon as the tender Blossoms shoot,
Drink to the future promis'd Fruit ;
And when to swell the Gems begin,
Drink to each increasing Skiu ;
Drink to ev'ry different Hue,
The red'ning Green , and glossy Blew ;
And when the rip'ned Loads appear,
Drink to the full accomplish'd Year.

When Nature now has done her Part
Fill again — — Success to Art —
See, see! the happy Work dispos'd,
The fuming Vessels now are clos'd:
Come, drink, that Winter may refine
And purify the new made Wine ,
The Product now of former Suns ,
That in a due Perfection runs.
The good Old Cask, of brighter Hue,
Must show what Fate attends the New .
Let the Elder Brothers Dye,
That Younger may their Place supply:
Away with moral Cant and Reason,
Wine is never out of Season.
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