Anacreontick, An. On a Lap-Dog

Nice , pretty Nice , thou
Can'st not; but, ah! cou'd'st thou know
How thou dost my Envy raise,
And (because she loves thee) Praise;
Thou wou'd'st not change for what is New,
For Mexico , or for Peru .
In that Lap, ah! Nice , rest,
And think! Nice , think thou'rt blest;
But if thou wilt thy Station change,
And in another Precinct range,
In Tap'stry, thou, or Silks, shalt lie,
Under the richest Canopy;
On Citron, Cedar, or on Gold,
Or what thou dost most costly hold.
If thou wilt but in Exchange thy Place resign,
Let but thy Privilege be mine,
This shall, and more than this, be thine.
And, if I gain the Hope, I crave,
Nice , I vow that thou shalt have
An Epitaph upon thy Grave.
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