And now the Royal Robes are on


And now the Royal Robes are on,
But oh! what numbers can express
The Glory of the Sacred Dress!
Not the gay Planet , when he's hasting down,
Flowing and ruddy to his Thetis Bed,
And guilds the Sky with dazling Red:
Nor the soft Rays of new-born Light,
Or Heav'n in fancy e're was form'd so bright.
And now a vast Illustrious Train of Stars
Declares, great CYNTHIA first appears;
Those Stars who rule the Fortune, and the Fate,
Of all the Amorous, Brave, and Great:
For what e're Merit Nature gives,
'Tis by their influence alone it thrives;
So sparkling and so fair a Train,
Did ne're attend the Goddess o're the Aerial Plain;
The Conqu'ring Nymphs and Hero's there,
The Graces and the Worthy's mingled were;
Each would a noble Song require,
But I have Tun'd my joyful Lyre
Only for Royal Theams ;
And the kind Flatterer sooths my heart,
And will no trembling Note impart
To any Musick, but the Charming Names
Of Sacred LAURA ! sacred JAMES .
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