The Anemone

When autumn winds blaw cauld and chill,
Why droop ye, flowerie sae?
Why leave us for your winter cell,
Sweet, wild Anemone?

Dost think our hearts refuse to prize
The things we see alway?
To see thee is to love thee well,
Sweet, wild Anemone!

Why need ye fear the bitter wind
That through the woods doth gae?
Its heart is cold, but thee 't would spare,
Sweet, wild Anemone!

A fit ensample thou mightst take
The hopping robin frae—
The emblem pure of constancy,
Sweet, wild Anemone!

If winter fields be cauld and bare—
If winter skies be blae—
The mair we need thy bonnie face,
Sweet, wild Anemone!

But so it is; and when away
For dreary months you be,
The joy of meeting pays for all,
Sweet, wild Anemone!
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