The Angler's Trysting-Tree
Sing , sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Meet the morn upon the lea;
Are the emeralds of spring
On the angler's trysting-tree?
Tell, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Are there buds on our willow-tree?
Buds and birds on the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Have you met the honey-bee,
Circling upon rapid wing
Round the angler's trysting-tree?
Up, sweet thrushes, up and see;
Are there bees at our willow-tree?
Birds and bees at the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Are the fountains gushing free?
Is the south wind wandering
Through the angler's trysting-tree?
Up, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Is the wind at our willow-tree?
Wind or calm at the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, up and sing!
Wile us with a merry glee,
To the flowery haunts of spring—
To the angler's trysting-tree.
Tell, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Are there flowers 'neath our willow-tree?
Spring and flowers at the trysting-tree?
Sing , sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Meet the morn upon the lea;
Are the emeralds of spring
On the angler's trysting-tree?
Tell, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Are there buds on our willow-tree?
Buds and birds on the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Have you met the honey-bee,
Circling upon rapid wing
Round the angler's trysting-tree?
Up, sweet thrushes, up and see;
Are there bees at our willow-tree?
Birds and bees at the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, forth and sing!
Are the fountains gushing free?
Is the south wind wandering
Through the angler's trysting-tree?
Up, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Is the wind at our willow-tree?
Wind or calm at the trysting-tree?
Sing, sweet thrushes, up and sing!
Wile us with a merry glee,
To the flowery haunts of spring—
To the angler's trysting-tree.
Tell, sweet thrushes, tell to me,
Are there flowers 'neath our willow-tree?
Spring and flowers at the trysting-tree?
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