The Anglo-Japanese Treaty
When Hate's black standard is at length unfurled
And stored-up rancours smite thee, — when from France
Springs Waterloo's for ever poisoned lance
And Germany, like a huge snake uncurled,
Gleams fierce and fork-tongued, — when from Russia hurled
Dark armies down the Asian vales advance
Pitiless, immense, barbaric, — when no glance
Meets thine of friendship, not through all the world,
Though bright through all the world flamed once thy flag, —
Then, while the mad guns rave from crag to crag
And thou art wrestling with the hosts of man,
Thine armour rent even as a woman's scarf,
Who shall stand by thee? This thy loving dwarf,
Thy staunch ally, thy saviour, swart Japan.
And stored-up rancours smite thee, — when from France
Springs Waterloo's for ever poisoned lance
And Germany, like a huge snake uncurled,
Gleams fierce and fork-tongued, — when from Russia hurled
Dark armies down the Asian vales advance
Pitiless, immense, barbaric, — when no glance
Meets thine of friendship, not through all the world,
Though bright through all the world flamed once thy flag, —
Then, while the mad guns rave from crag to crag
And thou art wrestling with the hosts of man,
Thine armour rent even as a woman's scarf,
Who shall stand by thee? This thy loving dwarf,
Thy staunch ally, thy saviour, swart Japan.
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