Anniversary Elegy on the Death of Mr Stockton the 28th of Feb 1783

Why Steals the big drop from my Eye?
Why heaves the deep Sigh from my heart?
Must Sorrow thus ever swell high?
Nor time the least comfort impart?
Ah no! for the Seasons whirl round
And annualy bring the Sad day
That laid all my Joy in the ground
And left me to weep life away
The cares which this bosom oppress
Were never before to it known
The Shepherd that doubled my bliss
Made all that was painful his own
In Summer he toil'd all the day
And brought me the fruits of the plain
The winter he chear'd with his lay
Nor felt we the rigour'ous reign
Deep trac'd in my heart is his form
His Image Still lives in my Sight
His breath which was Sweeter then morn
Still breathes on my soul fresh delight
The virtues which lodg'd in his breast
I strove to transplant into mine
The soil was not Equaly dress'd
But to Emulate here was devine
And Still as my gaurdian he waits
I See him thro Yon Lucid Cloud
He passes the crystaline gates
My walk from all danger to shroud
In beauty celestial array'd
With youth Ever blooming and new
No more of the tyrant afraid
He smileing appears to my view
In accents as gentle and soft
As dew drops descending in May
He bears my Sunk Spirit aloft
And points to the regions of day
'Oh Could you but pierce thro the veil
That covers mortality o'er
Could faith over sense but prevail
Your grief you would Suffer no more
If once you Could view those blest plains
Where freed from all sorrow I rove
Where transport Eternaly reigns
And bliss all our moments improve
—There rivers of pleasure proceed
From the throne of God and the Lamb
No Sunbeams to light us we need
For Glory and light is his name
The trees which Encompass those Streams
Bear vigour immortal as fruit
The nations are heal'd with the leaves
And Extacy Springs from the root
The richest of Gems and of Gold
Are the gates and the walls of our street
And Jasper to bright to be hold
For mortals are under our feet
And people and kindred and tongues
Fill heavens high arch with his praise
The groves all resound with their songs
And rapture Encircles their days
My Spirit thus calm'd Ill resign
To him whose Sole rights to dispose
Of what he but lent for a time
And bless him for what he bestows
Be hush'd then Each tender complaint
I'll change Ev'n the Stile of my song
Rejoice that my Shepherds a saint
And Strive till I join the blest throngEnglish
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