Answer to the Foregoing Verses


BY MISS G — — — .

No more let science tempt thy searching eyes.
Beyond the bounds prescrib'd to mortal sight,
No more adventrous mount the lofty skies,
And, daring, penetrate the realms of light.

With humble mind go trace thy Maker's hand
In every smiling valley, fertile plain;
Adore his bounty in the cultur'd land,
Revere his wisdom in the stormy main!

Nor thoughtless view the vast tremendous sea,
Whose course impetuous power divine restrains;
Whose rushing tide, control'd by Heaven's decree,
Forbears to violate the flowery plains.

Nor yet confine to these thy wandering sight,
While splendid gems the face of Heaven adorn;
Nor heedless view the radiant lamps of night,
Nor heedless view the sun that gilds the morn:

But turn with praise to HIM who reigns above,
Supreme o'er works that speak Almighty power;
O! turn a grateful bosom breathing love,
And learn the noblest lesson — to adore!
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