Answere to the Same, Lyne for Lyne, An
[An Answere to the Same, Lyne for Lyne]
The warlike king was troubl'd when hee spi'd
His darling Absolons aspiring pride.
His majestie may more Disdaine to see
Some Preist that would be king as well as hee.
A sadd presage of danger to the Land,
When Prelats strive to gett the upper hand
Where Prince and Peare the Clergie must obey,
Where Laymen may those teachers teach the way,
Where Pym and Prinn, even Jordan, may define
What Prelat's orthodox, and what devine.
Pelagian Broude, Elder then Amsterdam,
Garland your Bull, court your Arminian Ram.
The Commons, if they cann, will clense their throats,
And make them with Buchanan sing clearer notes;
And teach them how that Parliament and Kings
Can crush their pride and clipp their Eagles wings.
It is a paritie must sett all right,
Then shall the Gospell shine like Phaebus bright.
True Protestant Religion is the thinge
Wee must reare upp to honor Church and Kinge.
Against the Papists wee should have the day,
If some blinde Bishops stood not in the way:
But they will finde A tricke to hold their pride,
Though Tonnage, Poundage, never be deny'd.
The warlike king was troubl'd when hee spi'd
His darling Absolons aspiring pride.
His majestie may more Disdaine to see
Some Preist that would be king as well as hee.
A sadd presage of danger to the Land,
When Prelats strive to gett the upper hand
Where Prince and Peare the Clergie must obey,
Where Laymen may those teachers teach the way,
Where Pym and Prinn, even Jordan, may define
What Prelat's orthodox, and what devine.
Pelagian Broude, Elder then Amsterdam,
Garland your Bull, court your Arminian Ram.
The Commons, if they cann, will clense their throats,
And make them with Buchanan sing clearer notes;
And teach them how that Parliament and Kings
Can crush their pride and clipp their Eagles wings.
It is a paritie must sett all right,
Then shall the Gospell shine like Phaebus bright.
True Protestant Religion is the thinge
Wee must reare upp to honor Church and Kinge.
Against the Papists wee should have the day,
If some blinde Bishops stood not in the way:
But they will finde A tricke to hold their pride,
Though Tonnage, Poundage, never be deny'd.
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