The Apostle's Creed

In God the Father I believe,
Who made all creatures by his word;
And true belief I likewise have
In Jesus Christ, his Son, our Lord;
Who by the Holy Ghost conceived,
Was of the Virgin Mary born;
Who meekly Pilate's wrongs received,
And crucifiéd was with scorn;

Who died, and in the grave hath lain;
Who did the lowest pit descend;
Who on the third day rose again,
And up to heaven did ascend;
Who at his Father's right hand there,
Now thronéd sits, and thence shall come
To take his seat of judgment here,
And give both quick and dead their doom.

I in the Holy Ghost believe,
The holy Church Cathólic too;
And that the saints communion have,
Undoubtedly believe I do.
I well assuréd am likewise
A pardon for my sins to gain.
And that my flesh from death shall rise,
And everlasting life obtain.
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