Appendix -

Since penning this stanza, a learn'd Antiquary
Has put my poor Muse in no trifling quandary,
By writing an essay to prove that he knows a
Spot which, in truth is, The real " Bermoothes,"
In the Mediterranean, — now called Lampedosa;
— For proofs, having made, as he farther alleges, stir,
An entry was found in the old Parish Register,
The which at his instance the excellent Vicar extracted: viz. " Caliban, base son of Sycorax."
— He had rather, by half, Have found Prospero's " Staff;"
But 'twas useless to dig, for the want of a pick or axe —
Colonel Pasley, however, 'tis everywhere said,
Now he's blown up the old Royal George at Spithead,
And the great cliff at Dover, of which we've all read,
Takes his whole apparatus, and goes out to look
And see if he can't try and blow up " the Book."
— Gentle Reader, farewell! — If I add one more line,
" He'll be, in all likelihood, blowing up mine! "
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