
'Tis good to feel ourselves beloved of men;
To know that all our anxious cares and sighs
For others' wear are given not in vain,
But treasured up in grateful memories;
How light the toil for those we fondly love!
How rich the wages grateful spirits prove!

But when those men are Brothers , strongly bound
By bonds indissoluble, sweet and true, —
When gratitude springs out of sacred ground,
And prayers are mingled with the praises due;
Ah then, toil is no burden, gifts no load!
We have full recompense for what's bestowed.

'Tis thus with you, my friend: the voice of all
Yields willing tribute to your high deserts;
But from the C RAFT there comes a stronger call, —
From that great Brotherhood whose chain begirts
The broad world round, the grateful wages come,
Whose price is H ONOR and whose favor B LOOM .

Long may you live in Bloom and Honor, long,
To show the C HRISTIAN in the M ASON'S guise!
In S TRENGTH Omnipotent may you be strong!
In W ISDOM H EAVENLY may you be wise!
And when to Death's dark portals you shall come,
May J ESUS banish all the fear and gloom!
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