The Argument for Cressids Complaint
The inconstancie of Cressid is so readie in every mans mouth, as it is a needelesse labour to blase at full her abuse towardes yong Troilus, her frowning on Syr Diomede, her wanton lures and love: neverthelesse, her companie scorned, of thousandes sometimes sought, her beggerie after braverie, her lothsome leprosie after lively beautie, her wretched age after wanton youth, and her perpetuall infamie after violent death, are worthy notes (for others heede) to be remembred. And for as much as Cressids heires in every corner live, yea, more cunning then Cressid her selfe in wanton exercises, toyes and inticements, to forewarne all men of such filthes, to persuade the infected to fall from their follies, and to rayse a feare in dames untainted to offend, I have reported the subtile sleites, the leaud life, and evill fortunes of a courtisane, in Cressid[s] name; whom you may suppose, in tattered weedes, halfe hungerstarved — serably arrayde, with scabs, leprosie, and mayngie, to complaine as followeth.
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