Asoka's Message to Foreign Nations


King and victor Piyadasi,
Of the Gods beloved,
O'er the plains of broad Kalinga
With his army moved.
Hundred thousand men were taken,
Hundred thousand died, —
Righteous sorrow wrung his bosom,
And the victor cried:


" Brahmans pure and Sramans holy,
Men who toil in life,
Faithful fathers, loving children,
Husband and the wife, —
These to pain and separation,
Slavery and death,
I have doomed, and swept Kalinga
With destruction's breath!


" Let me seek for other trophies,
Win the spoils of faith, —
Peace and plenty, not disaster,
Life and love, not death!
Speak then to my farthest frontiers,
To each distant soil,
Warfare ends, the work of mercy
Henceforth is my toil!


" Syria's monarch Antiochus,
Egypt's Ptolemy,
Macedonian Antigonas,
Cyrenean Magas free,
Alexander of Epiros, —
These five kings of West
Have received my loving message,
Gospel true and blest!


" Cholas and the mighty Pandyas,
Tamba-pannis meek,
And the Bactrian Greek,
Nabhakas and Nabha-pantis,
Bhojas inly stirred,
Andhras and the brave Pulindas
Have my tidings heard!


" Messengers of Piyadasi
To these lands are sent,
Grateful kings and listening nations
To his faith have bent;
Thus I win a brighter conquest
And a holier fame,
And a more than earthly gladness
Thrills my mortal frame!


" Rich and rare the golden fruitage
Of a life of faith,
Full and ample is the harvest
Gathered after death;
Hence the monarch Piyadasi
Carves this sacred line,
That his royal sons and grandsons
May to faith incline!


" That the kings of earth hereafter
May all conquests shun,
Wrought by rapine and by bloodshed,
Deeds of darkness done;
That the monarchs may hereafter
Conquer realms by faith,
Fame on earth awaits such conquest,
Glory after death! "
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