Asoka's Message to His People


Thus spake royal Piyadasi,
Of the Gods beloved:
" Grace and righteous exhortation
Have my subjects moved,
For my pastors to the people
Holy lessons sing, —
And my priests to countless thousands
Loving message bring!


" I have spoke to subject peoples
Precepts I have loved,
I have carved on rock-made pillars
Lessons I have proved.
Ministers of faith and duty
Have my mandates told, —
Spoke to near and distant nations
Maxims loved of old!


" And within my spacious empire,
By each highway made,
Figs and mangoes I have planted
For repose and shade,
Wells I made for man and cattle,
All that breathe and move, —
But with higher toil constructed
Springs of faith and love!


" Scatter then my royal riches,
Spread my bounty then,
To the monk and to the toiler,
To all living men,
To the Brahman and the Sraman,
To all sects of fame, —
Let each clan and corporation
Know Asoka's name!


" And unto my royal bounty
Others add their store,
For my queens with queenly mercy
Help the helpless poor;
And my white-robed royal children
Acts of kindness prove, —
Charity and Truth and Kindness,
Purity and Love!


" Thus in ever growing current
May our bounty flow,
To the Brahman and the Sraman,
To the poor and low;
For the humble and the lowly
Special kindness crave, —
May our mercy reach the menial,
Cheer the unchained slave!


" Laws severe we vainly fashion,
Codes we vainly start,
Gentle teaching, soft persuasion,
Touch the people's heart.
Hence I carve this loving edict,
Speak these maxims pure, —
Future kings will work as long as
Sun and moon endure!


" Since I won my father's Empire,
Since this State was mine,
Past are seven and twenty autumns
When I carve this line.
Where 'tis writ on stony pillar
In this Empire vast, —
Unto far and distant ages
May this Edict last! "
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