The Aspiration

E AGER , craving, hungry Soul,
All thy loose Desires controul:
Anxious, restless Spirit, cease
To search inferior Skies for Bliss:
Flutt'ring, panting, wild Desires,
Recall, abate your sprightly Fires:
Upward guide the quivering Flame,
There unremitted let it glow:
There purer Joys than Wealth or Fame,
Lasting, satisfying, grow.


Sparks with nat'ral upward Aim,
Wheeling, quivering, still aspire,
To mix with elemental Fire:
Come then, active heav'n-born Flame,
Hov'ring, trembling, restless Spark,
Still twinkling, sparkling in the Dark,
Heav'nward, Homeward active tend,
And to thy Kindred Flames ascend.
Conscious of thy superior Birth
Generous spurn ignoble Earth;
Exert thy Vigour, spring away
To Regions of eternal Day:
No more obscur'd in Glooms below,
Soar with thy kindred Flames to glow.


Where the blest Immortals shine,
Brighten'd with Lustre all divine,
Fir'd with heav'nly Life within,
Active, vig'rous, never tir'd:
Once they were struggling here below,
Fainting, opprest, as thou art now;
Yet to their native Element aspir'd.
O! the Bliss, the Joy they feel!
Raptures succeed to Raptures still,
And in their Bosoms ever burn:
Then my Soul with soaring Wing,
To thy great Companions spring;
Nor linger here to weep and mourn.
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