To Attaine a Quiet Life
Who would in quiet spend his life ,
must shunne the Cause of strifes Effect;
And yet with Vice still liue in strife:
so, Strife retaine , and it reiect .
Hold no Conceit gainst that Conceit
the King maintaines; vnlesse it be
Against that Faith , whose forme and waight
with TRVTH , well tride, doth still agree.
Finde neuer Fault , but when the same
concernes the Honor of the High'st :
Or else the Kings; to heare whose blame
is blame which oft to Death is nigh'st
No Wager lay: for, that but stirres
the Losers heart to hate and ire;
Which oft enflameth Ciuill warres:
then, giue no Fuell to this Fire .
Nor make Comparison: for it
is odious; and, workes like effect;
Why should thy Will , t'aduance thy Wit ,
anothers Wit or Worth deiect.
To praise thy selfe, is but Dispraise,
vnlesse Spight wrongs thine Honor (knowne)
If others Shame thy Glory raise,
let their Shame raise it, not thine owne:
For, tis but Shame , to glory in
anothers Shame , because we yet
Are free from blot: but Praise we winne
by hiding both our praise and it .
This is the way to earthly Peace;
Without which growes all strifes encrease.
must shunne the Cause of strifes Effect;
And yet with Vice still liue in strife:
so, Strife retaine , and it reiect .
Hold no Conceit gainst that Conceit
the King maintaines; vnlesse it be
Against that Faith , whose forme and waight
with TRVTH , well tride, doth still agree.
Finde neuer Fault , but when the same
concernes the Honor of the High'st :
Or else the Kings; to heare whose blame
is blame which oft to Death is nigh'st
No Wager lay: for, that but stirres
the Losers heart to hate and ire;
Which oft enflameth Ciuill warres:
then, giue no Fuell to this Fire .
Nor make Comparison: for it
is odious; and, workes like effect;
Why should thy Will , t'aduance thy Wit ,
anothers Wit or Worth deiect.
To praise thy selfe, is but Dispraise,
vnlesse Spight wrongs thine Honor (knowne)
If others Shame thy Glory raise,
let their Shame raise it, not thine owne:
For, tis but Shame , to glory in
anothers Shame , because we yet
Are free from blot: but Praise we winne
by hiding both our praise and it .
This is the way to earthly Peace;
Without which growes all strifes encrease.
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