Aurora - Sonet 46

Loue swore by Styx, whilst all the depths did tremble,
That he would be aueng'd of my proud hart,
Who to his deitie durst base styles impart,
And would in that Latona's impe resemble:
Then straight denounc'd his rebell, in a rage
He labour'd by all meanes for to betray me,
And gaue full leaue to any for to slay me,
That he might by my wracke his wrath asswage:
A nymph, that long'd to finish Cupid's toyles,
Chanc'd once to spie me come in beautie's bounds,
And straight orethrew me with a world of wounds,
Then vnto Paphos did transport my spoiles.
Thus, thus I see, that all must fall in end,
That with a greater than themselves contend.
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