on an averge day

when i picked up this
pen to write on this
page i felt as though
im losing my life
i seemed to be signing
away my soul as i gave
you my love immortalized
on this page i feel when
i give this to you there is
no turning back there
is no recovery for the
scars you left i owe
you no more im
stopping this struggle
because for a man to
break down and cry
and not even on the
inside is cause enough
to know he is in pain
i just don't know what to
say so i hope you realized
this is not ok simply because
i still love you i just wanna know
why didn't you tell me not to
let you touch my heart
once so whole now
crumbled and absorbed
into a black hole you
destroyed me in one
line to bad thats the truth
because when i woke up
that morning it was
just an average day

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