Back from Town
Old friends allus is the best,
Halest-like and heartiest:
Knowed us first, and don't allow
We're so blame much better now!
They was standin' at the bars
When we grabbed " the kivvered kyars "
And lit out fer town, to make
Money — and that old mistake!
We thought then the world we went
Into beat " The Settlement, "
And the friends 'at we'd make there
Would beat any anywhere! —
And they do — fer that's their biz:
They beat all the friends they is —
'Cept the raal old friends like you
'At staid at home, like I'd ort to!
W'y, of all the good things yit
I ain't shet of, is to quit
Business, and git back to sheer
These old comforts waitin' here —
These old friends; and these old hands
'At a feller understands;
These old winter nights, and old
Young-folks chased in out the cold!
Sing " Hard Times'll come ag'in
No More! " and neighbers all jine in!
Here's a feller come from town
Wants that-air old fiddle down
From the chimbly! — Git the floor
Cleared fer one cowtillion more! —
It's poke the kitchen fire, says he,
And shake a friendly leg with me!
Halest-like and heartiest:
Knowed us first, and don't allow
We're so blame much better now!
They was standin' at the bars
When we grabbed " the kivvered kyars "
And lit out fer town, to make
Money — and that old mistake!
We thought then the world we went
Into beat " The Settlement, "
And the friends 'at we'd make there
Would beat any anywhere! —
And they do — fer that's their biz:
They beat all the friends they is —
'Cept the raal old friends like you
'At staid at home, like I'd ort to!
W'y, of all the good things yit
I ain't shet of, is to quit
Business, and git back to sheer
These old comforts waitin' here —
These old friends; and these old hands
'At a feller understands;
These old winter nights, and old
Young-folks chased in out the cold!
Sing " Hard Times'll come ag'in
No More! " and neighbers all jine in!
Here's a feller come from town
Wants that-air old fiddle down
From the chimbly! — Git the floor
Cleared fer one cowtillion more! —
It's poke the kitchen fire, says he,
And shake a friendly leg with me!
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