She died and lay in her grave of stone,
Alone in her shroud with open eyes,
And an angel came from the awful throne
To lead her soul through the seven skies.
He stood at her coffin in solemn mirth
And called her spirit to leave its sleep,
But her soul replied from the frozen earth,
“It is not for God that I wait and weep!”
He sought her hand in her silver shroud
But her soul looked out from her sunken eyes,
And the angel turned with his forehead bowed
And rose alone through the seven skies.
And she lay alone in her hearse of stone
And her spirit watched like a sleepless flame,
And her lover arose from a dream of moan
And came to her tomb and spake her name.
He whispered, “I come from the world of sin;
My heart desires, my soul is proud;
Shall I open thy coffin and come within,
Or lead thee forth in thy silver shroud?”
And the Lady rose in her awful pride,
For her soul was strong with the wine of Love,
And she said, “I have waited to be thy bride,
Though God desired me there above.”
And he whispered, “Love, I have come and found!
I have died with thee, for my life was thine,
And our bridal bed is the frozen ground,—
If heaven is lost thou art wholly mine.
“The love of our lives can bear the frown
Of God Himself, though our lives are gone.”
And he drew her close while they laid them down
Lip to lip in the tomb of stone.
Alone in her shroud with open eyes,
And an angel came from the awful throne
To lead her soul through the seven skies.
He stood at her coffin in solemn mirth
And called her spirit to leave its sleep,
But her soul replied from the frozen earth,
“It is not for God that I wait and weep!”
He sought her hand in her silver shroud
But her soul looked out from her sunken eyes,
And the angel turned with his forehead bowed
And rose alone through the seven skies.
And she lay alone in her hearse of stone
And her spirit watched like a sleepless flame,
And her lover arose from a dream of moan
And came to her tomb and spake her name.
He whispered, “I come from the world of sin;
My heart desires, my soul is proud;
Shall I open thy coffin and come within,
Or lead thee forth in thy silver shroud?”
And the Lady rose in her awful pride,
For her soul was strong with the wine of Love,
And she said, “I have waited to be thy bride,
Though God desired me there above.”
And he whispered, “Love, I have come and found!
I have died with thee, for my life was thine,
And our bridal bed is the frozen ground,—
If heaven is lost thou art wholly mine.
“The love of our lives can bear the frown
Of God Himself, though our lives are gone.”
And he drew her close while they laid them down
Lip to lip in the tomb of stone.
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