A Ballad For Brave Women

A STORY worth telling our annals afford,
'Tis the wonderful journey of Laura Secord!
Her poor crippled spouse hobbled home with the news,
That Baerstler was nigh! " Not a minute to lose,
Not an instant, " said Laura, " for stoppage or pause —
I must hurry and warn our brave troops at Decaw's. "
" What! you! " said her husband, " to famish and tire! "
" Yes, me! " said brave Laura, her bosom on fire.
" And how will you pass the gruff sentry, " said he,
" Who is posted so near us? "

" Just wait till you see!
The foe is approaching, and means to surprise
Our troops, as you tell me. Oh, husband, there flies
No dove with a message so needful as this —
I'll take it, I'll bear it. Good-bye! " with a kiss.
Then a biscuit she ate, tucked her skirts well about,
And a bucket she slung on each arm, and went out.

'Twas the bright blush of dawn, when the stars melt from sight,
Dissolved by its breath like a dream of the night;
When Heaven seems opening on man and his pain,
Ere the rude day strengthens and shuts it again.
But Laura had eyes for her duty alone —
She marked not the glow and the gloom that were thrown
By the nurslings of morn, by the cloud-lands at rest,
By the spells of the East, and the weirds of the West.
Behind was the foe, full of craft and of guile;
Before her a long day of travel and toil.
" No time this for gazing, " said Laura, as near
To the sentry she drew —

" Halt! You cannot pass here! "
" I cannot pass here! Why, sirrah, you drowse!
Are you blind? Don't you see I am off to my cows? "
" Well, well, you can go! " So she wended her way
To the pasture's lone side, where the farthest cow lay,
Got her up, caught a teat, and, with pail at her knees,
Made her budge, inch by inch, till she drew by degrees
To the edge of the forest: " I've hoaxed, on my word,
Both you and the sentry, " said Laura Secord.

With a lingering look at her home, then away
She sped through the wild-wood — a wilderness gray —
Nature's privacy, haunt of a virgin sublime,
And the mother who bore her, as ancient as Time;
Where the linden had space for its fans and its flowers,
The balsam its tents, and the cedar its bowers;
Where the lord of the forest, the oak, bad its realm,
The ash its domain, and its kingdom the elm;
Where the pine bowed its antlers in tempests, and gave
To the ocean of leaves the wild dash of the wave;
And the mystical hemlock — the forest's high-priest —
Hung its weird, raking top-gallant branch to the east.

And denser and deeper the solitude grew;
The underwood thickened and drenched her with dew.
She tript over moss-covered logs, fell, arose,
Sped and stumbled again by the hour, till her clothes
Were rent by the branches and thorns, and her feet
Grew tender and way-worn and blistered with heat.
And on, ever on, through the forest she passed,
Her soul in her task, but each pulse beating fast;
For shadowy forms seemed to flit through the glades,
And beckon her into their limitless shades;
And mystical sounds — in the forest alone,
Ah, who has not heard them? — the voices! the moan
Or the sigh of mute nature which sinks on the ear,
And fills us with sadness, or thrills us with fear?
And who, lone and lost in the wilderness deep,
Has not felt the strange fancies, the tremours which creep
And assemble within, till the heart 'gins to fail,
The courage to flinch, and the cheek to grow pale,
Midst the shadows which mantle the Spirit that broods
In the sombre, the deep-haunted, heart of the woods?

She stopt — it was noonday. The wilds she espied
Seemed solitudes measureless. " Help me! " she cried;
Her piteous lips parched with thirst, and her eyes
Strained with gazing. The sun in his infinite skies
Looked down on no creature more hapless than she,
For woman is woman where'er she may be.
For a moment she faltered, then came to her side
The heroine's spirit — the Angel of Pride.
One moment she faltered. Beware! What is this?
The coil of the serpent! the rattlesnake's hiss!
One moment, then onward. What sounds far and near?
The howl of the wolf! yet she turned not in fear,
Nor bent from her course, till her eye caught a gleam,
From the woods, of a meadow through which flowed a stream,
Pure and sweet with the savour of leaf and of flower,
By the night-dew distilled and the soft forest shower;
Pure and cold as its spring in the rock crystalline,
Whence it gurgled and gushed 'twixt the roots of the pine.

And blest above bliss is the pleasure of thirst,
Where there's water to quench it; for pleasure is nursed
In the cradle of pain, and twin marvels are they
Whose interdependence is born with our clay.
Yes, blessed is water, and blessed is thirst,
Where there's water to quench it; but this is the worst
Of this life, that we reck not the blessings God sends,
Till denied them. But Laura, who felt she had friends
In Heaven, as well as on earth, knew to thank
The Giver of all things, and gratefully drank.
Once more on the pathway, through swamp and through mire,
Through covert and thicket, through bramble and brier,
She toiled to the highway, then over the hill,
And down the deep valley, and past the new mill,
And through the next woods, till, at sunset, she came
To the first British picket, and murmured her name;
Thence, guarded by Indians, footsore and pale,
She was led to FitzGibbon, and told him her tale.

For a moment her reason forsook her; she raved,
She laughed, and she cried — " They are saved! they are saved! "
Then her senses returned, and, with thanks loud and deep
Sounding sweetly around her, she sank into sleep.
And Baerstler came up; but his movements were known,
His force was surrounded, his scheme was o'erthrown.
By a woman's devotion — on stone be't engraved! —
The foeman was beaten, and Burlington saved.

Ah! faithful to death were our women of yore.
Have they fled with the past, to be heard of no more?
No, no! Though this laurelled one sleeps in the grave,
We have maidens as true, we have matrons as brave;
And should Canada ever be forced to the test —
To spend for our country the blood of her best —
When her sons lift the linstock and brandish the sword,
Her daughters will think of brave Laura Secord.
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