Ballade of the Easily Influenced

As firm as a boulder am I,
I'm stolid and solid and gray;
My standards are moveless and high,
My motto's forever and aye.
And yet, when I go to a play
With a villain indecent and grim,
Whose aim is to cheat and to slay,
I think I'm a little like him.

I read all the poems, and sigh
That Lucy is buried away;
I weep at the Byron Good-by,
I read Dr. Watts, and I pray;
I'm faithless with Edna Millay;
With Whittier I'm earnest and prim.
... Been reading some Shakespeare to-day —
I think I'm a little like him.

J Caesar, I read, was a guy
Who trembled a bit in a fray;
Napoleon, they tell me, would cry
If things went a little astray;
King Henry the Eighth was a gay
Old goof of uxorious whim —
I chuck him a little bouquet;
I think I'm a little like him.


O Queen, I am commonest clay,
My lamp is a-flicker and dim.
There's no one of whom I can't say:
" I think I'm a little like him. "

As firm as a boulder am I,
I'm stolid and solid and gray;
My standards are moveless and high,
My motto's forever and aye.
And yet, when I go to a play
With a villain indecent and grim,
Whose aim is to cheat and to slay,
I think I'm a little like him.

I read all the poems, and sigh
That Lucy is buried away;
I weep at the Byron Good-by,
I read Dr. Watts, and I pray;
I'm faithless with Edna Millay;
With Whittier I'm earnest and prim.
... Been reading some Shakespeare to-day —
I think I'm a little like him.

J Caesar, I read, was a guy
Who trembled a bit in a fray;
Napoleon, they tell me, would cry
If things went a little astray;
King Henry the Eighth was a gay
Old goof of uxorious whim —
I chuck him a little bouquet;
I think I'm a little like him.


O Queen, I am commonest clay,
My lamp is a-flicker and dim.
There's no one of whom I can't say:
" I think I'm a little like him. "
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