Ballade of Swindlers of All Time

TELL ME I pray, — not where to look
For Judas mean and fraudulent,
Or Verres, senator and crook,
Who got rich by misgovernment,
The Board by whose fantastic bent
The South Seas Company was run,
The way so much good money went —
Where are the loans of '21?

Where's Pitt who would not bring to book
The Bank, ignoring Parliament?
Or the bold Beau who used to rook
Young peers at Baccarat, then lent
Their losses back at 12%?
Jabey? Lorang? and Solomon
Whence one man companies have descent?
Where are the loans of '21?

And good Horatio who took
A first class in Embezzlement?
Clarence that international cook
of figures, to whom Bankers bent
Seeing investors were content
To buy if Hatry had begun?
Where are they, Mammon Omnipotent?
Where are the loans of '21?

G'uvner don't ask me where they sent
The proceeds, a few million:
You will hear only my lament —
Where are the loans of '21?
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