A Battle Hymn


V ARUNA , Indra, Gods of battle!
Foemen came for spoil and cattle,
Battle-axes in their hand,
Eastward came the armed band; —
By your grace Sudas arose,
Smote the dark and Aryan foes!


Gathered nations lifted high
Banners floating in the sky,
Warriors turned their anxious gaze
From the earth to sky's dark haze; —
None but you, our help and stay,
Saved Sudas on that dark day!


To the dazed, bewildered eye
Broad earth mingled with the sky,
And the deafening shout arose
From our men and circling foes; —
You then heard our priestly call,
Helped Sudas to conquer all!


Banded nations ye have quelled,
Bheda in the battle felled,
Ye were king Sudas's stay,
Saved him in the dubious fray; —
For ye heard our holy lay,
Tritsus' service won the day!


Wily was the foeman's heart,
And resistless was his dart;
Ye are Lords of earth and heaven,
To our king your aid was given; —
For ye heard our holy lay
Tritsus' prayers won the day!


Foemen called on you in vain,
For ye hear not impious men;
Foemen longed in vain for lands,
Impious hearts make feeble hands;
Ten great kings their warriors brought, —
You beside our monarch fought!


Ten great kings who knew no rite
Vainly did their troops unite,
And their useless weapons bring,
For they conquered not our king;
Fruitful was our warriors' boast,
And ye helped our conquering host!


With their long and braided hair
White-robed Tritsu priests appear,
And with hymn and holy song
Sacrificial rites prolong;
Gods have heard! Against the ten,
They have helped our king and men!


Indra rends the cloud's dark folds,
King Varuna law upholds,
To their glory, in their praise
Tritsus chant their pious lays;
Grant us, Lords, your sweet protection,
Blessings rich and benediction!


King Varuna, Indra strong,
Listen to the Tritsus' song;
Aryaman and Mitra bright,
Grant us shelter, Sons of Light;
Fair Aditi, primal ray,
Bright Savitri hear this lay!
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