To the Beavtifvll Lady the Lady Brigett Manners
Rose of that garlande, (fayrest, and sweetest
Of all those sweet and faire flowers:
Pride of chast Cynthias rich crowne,)
Receaue this verse, thy matchlesse bewtie meetest:
Behold thy graces which thou greetest,
And all the secret powers
Of thine and such like bewties, here set downe,
Here shalt thou finde thy frowne,
Here thy sunnie smiling,
Fames plumes flye with thy loues which should be fleetest,
Here my loues tempestes, and showers.
These read (sweet bewtie) whom my muse shall crowne,
Who for thee such a garland is compyling
(Of so deuine sentes, and colours)
As is immortall, time beguiling.
Of all those sweet and faire flowers:
Pride of chast Cynthias rich crowne,)
Receaue this verse, thy matchlesse bewtie meetest:
Behold thy graces which thou greetest,
And all the secret powers
Of thine and such like bewties, here set downe,
Here shalt thou finde thy frowne,
Here thy sunnie smiling,
Fames plumes flye with thy loues which should be fleetest,
Here my loues tempestes, and showers.
These read (sweet bewtie) whom my muse shall crowne,
Who for thee such a garland is compyling
(Of so deuine sentes, and colours)
As is immortall, time beguiling.
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